Vertical Search Market Share
June 24, 2013 10:50 AM   Subscribe

For the classical search engines the market shares are well known. For example during April 2013 it is 66% for Google and 17% for Bing. What about the state of vertical searching sites? Such as google shopping, bing shopping, pricegrapper, shopzilla, etc. I read an article which stated that vertical search is gaining momentum and it may we wise to seek out the shares in this department of search market. Any insight on this topic is also appreciated.
posted by raphael19 to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: The way many of those work is that they take data feeds from companies and repost them in very SEO-friendly manner, so they are really advertising for the companies whose goods they feature. It's a very different type of market than Google/Bing etc. Their traffic is driven to them by Google and Bing, and then within them they are often (usually) paid by the companies to list their products. If you think of it as an advertising problem rather than a "search" problem you are on the right track.
posted by ch1x0r at 12:54 PM on June 24, 2013

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