Resume advice?
May 7, 2013 8:53 AM   Subscribe

I'm applying for my first management level position. I have the requisite number of years experience in the relevant field. In addition to that though, I have recent experience co-managing a very large and complex family estate (that of my grandparents'). Help me reflect this in my job application. Smattering of snowflakes inside.

For the last two years, while working at my full time job, I've been responsible for co-managing the resolution of my late grandparent's multi-million dollar estate. It has been stressful, but ultimately it has garnered me valuable experience managing complex issues at a much bigger scale than I've been used to before. I'd like to reflect this in my resume and/or cover letter for a management position, but I'm not sure how to frame it.

I was thinking I could list it under "Other Experience", as it has occurred concurrently with work in my field. I'm also puzzling over what position I would list. I wasn't exactly a trustee (there was a titular trustee company but they took joint direction from myself and another family member). I could be described as an executor, but that's not something one ordinarily puts on a resume (and I wouldn't if this had been a typical estate, but it very much was not). In essence I was a manager or director, but that's not usually a title associated with estate management, and it wasn't official in any way either (beyond being spelled out in a settlement agreement). The other option would be to touch on it in my cover letter, not my resume, but I want to expand on the tasks and skills I used, otherwise it's not really relevant.

Suggestions appreciated.
posted by dry white toast to Work & Money (5 answers total)
The other option would be to touch on it in my cover letter, not my resume, but I want to expand on the tasks and skills I used, otherwise it's not really relevant.

I would advise you to do this. Perhaps a line in your resume under Other Experience, but it's strange enough that you should explain it more than a resume can adequately address. The cover letter is the ideal place to expand on the tasks and skills you used while managing the estate.
posted by Etrigan at 9:03 AM on May 7, 2013 [1 favorite]

I too would address this in a cover letter.

Mention that you were a co-executor and then list all of the responsibilities and how you executed them. Tie it back to the position.

As co-executor of the Toast Family Estate, I researched and invested $1m to generate perpetual income for the estate. While typical revenues from similar investments are yeilding $20,000 annually, our investments are yeilding $25,000 annually.

Something like that.
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 9:12 AM on May 7, 2013 [2 favorites]

It's hard to know where to put it without your resume in front of us. You should try to list it in a resume. Most people will look at that first and only read a cover letter if you spark their interest.

You already said you are "co-managing an estate" ... Aren't you then an "Estate Co-Manager" ?

I would just put that down. That's what you did. It seems you don't have a formal title there anyway. Either do that or ask someone. And you definitely want to list stats and numbers in your resume also.

You can list it under "additional experience" or under your jobs. Again, without knowing the layout of your resume it's hard to tell.

MeMail me if you want and I may be able to help more.
posted by Crystalinne at 11:40 AM on May 7, 2013

I think the best way to frame it is to list as the organization not the estate, but the company under which it was held.

Titular Trustee Company Name, Advising Manager - 2011-Present
-Managed resolution of complex family estate net value >$4M, including FANCY FISCAL AND INVESTMENT THINGS

Even better if the company doesn't have your name on it. You could also leave the title/role off completely. Do they use the word "manage" or "direct" in the settlement agreement? Then you can say Manager or Director.
posted by amaire at 12:01 PM on May 7, 2013

I also sometimes include a Projects section for short term work that is better framed as a success rather than a role/position. You could include it there.
posted by amaire at 12:02 PM on May 7, 2013 [1 favorite]

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