CoffeFilter: What are your best tips to help quit drinking coffee?
April 26, 2013 10:28 AM   Subscribe

Did you kick your coffee-drinking habit? If so, how?

You know how in Breaking Bad there are meth addicts who will take any kind of meth they can get their hands on, no matter how terrible it might be or what awful additives it might contain?

I'm like that with coffee. I will drink any kind, no matter what. If it's available I will drink it. Office coffee, church coffee, coffee I found on the sidewalk - it doesn't matter. It is brew and I must put it in me.

This has worked for much of my life but I am becoming less and less fond of myself in those few hours when I do not have a steady stream of java coursing through my veins.

In short: I become a complete and total asshole without coffee and I really don't like that.

I want to quit and I know I can. But I need your help!

I need to fill my bag with all your tricks so that when the cravings come (and boy I know they will come) I will have lots of new things to try to get me through the worst of it. Any advice is welcome!
posted by Tevin to Health & Fitness (36 answers total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
When I quit drinking caffeinated coffee about 10 years ago, I slowly started switching over to decaf. So, when I brewed my coffee in the morning, I started out with about a quarter decaf, working my way up over time to a higher decaf to regular ratio. If you are drinking coffee elsewhere, mix some (brewed) decaf in with (brewed) regular at about the same ratio. Of course, try not to just then drink larger quantities of coffee overall. I found this method pretty effective. I switched over in the course of a few weeks or so.
posted by freezer cake at 10:37 AM on April 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I quit coffee for 1 month straight, cold turkey, when I came back from Europe. I think it was the time change. I woke up refreshed, on my "body clock" and didn't need the buzz. Remember that drinking a caffeinated beverage is like borrowing energy from the future. So make sure to get plenty of rest to pay back your energy debt.
posted by St. Peepsburg at 10:40 AM on April 26, 2013 [4 favorites]

Best answer: I haven't kicked exactly, but I'm down to a (really, really good) cup a day on average (in tandem with quitting smoking, which feels like a considerable accomplishment for a former second-shift barista and current grad student). freezer cake is right on the money re: weaning yourself with decaf I think. Consider drinking more green tea, and start drinking shitloads of water. Like, a lot.

If you don't want to never have a cup of coffee ever again, you might also consider buying a bag of top quality fancy-pants coffee beans, like Intelligentsia or something, and restricting yourself to only drinking that and only drinking it at home.
posted by tealsocks at 10:43 AM on April 26, 2013

I used to drink 3 cups of coffee a day. I'm down to one, but I've found that using my lunch break to take a nap helps keep my afternoon productive.
posted by DetriusXii at 10:44 AM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: What you're craving isn't actually coffee, it's caffeine.

When I quit caffeine the first time, it was because I was getting throbbing migraines at 5pm every day if I didn't have my morning coffee. I tapered off my intake of caffeine, drinking things like tea, and snacking on dark chocolate, but avoiding coffee completely. I basically had a low grade headache for a month straight, and I was miserable, but at the end of it I was free of caffeine. I stayed off it for 2 years.

The second time I quit, I was in the hospital for 3 days on a saline IV. When I got out, I didn't have withdrawal symptoms. I don't recommend that route.

A year later I realized I missed the taste of coffee and the act of sitting outside drinking a cup of coffee on a brisk morning, so I started drinking decaf, and I'm very happy with that.
posted by smoq at 10:45 AM on April 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

i'll tell you what didn't work for me: quitting cold turkey. or rather, it worked fine, and i no longer drink coffee at all, but i really wish i'd cut down gradually, as freezer cake suggests. i definitely cried in public at a soap commercial the first day of no coffee. it was ridiculous.

as for how to clear the low-energy fog that descends when you don't have constant caffeine: take a daily vitamin b complex (if you don't already) and chug lots of water. steer clear of afternoon carbs. sleep enough. exercise.
posted by guybrush_threepwood at 10:46 AM on April 26, 2013

I have allergies and respiratory problems. If coffee smells/tastes awesome and I need three cups in the morning, it is because my medical stuff is acting up. I am being exposed to an allergen or not eating right or something. When I address those issues, I crave less coffee et al.

For me, addressing those underlying issues is the ONLY thing that helps. "Self discipline" does nothing whatsoever for me (I think cuz breathing is slightly important). When my intake of caffeine (coffee, chocolate, sodas) goes up markedly, I start trying to figure out why. Pollen, chemicals, or something else is certainly triggering it.
posted by Michele in California at 10:52 AM on April 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

Best answer: I have quit coffee a couple of times (I fell back into it because for me coffee is really just a suger-delivery device, like cigarettes are for nicotine... I love me some flavored creamer! And Mocha Frap's).

I find it very helpful to have a full glass of water before bed, and a full glass of water when I get up in the morning (I leave it on the nightstand before I go to bed, so no excuses). For me, being dehydrated translates to grogginess, and then I think I need coffee. When I am well hydrated I have much less need for it. Also, take all of your vitamins. That just helps with energy level in general.

For my hot beverage needs, I have switched to tea. In the beginning I still had to make up my sugar intake somewhere, but that might not be your issue. In any case I can taper off of that after a few days through force of will.

The first time I went off coffee (at the time I was working a European company, so we had STRONG-brewed coffee in the kitchen at all times) it was when I had a horrible cold and ended up staying in bed for a few days. Before that, every time I'd tried to go off coffee I would get a horrible headache, but that time I felt horrible anyway, and slept through the headache for a few days. When I emerged from the sickness, I felt much less need for caffeine.
posted by vignettist at 10:53 AM on April 26, 2013

Response by poster: The water tip is good, vignettist, but to clarify for future readers: my problem is not with sugary coffee drinks, which I really dislike. It is coffee as caffeine delivery as smoq pointed out.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled advice-giving. Good stuff so far!
posted by Tevin at 10:59 AM on April 26, 2013


I quit by moving from 2 cups in the AM to 1 real cup plus 1 cup that was 3/4 real coffee and 1/4 cup decaf. I drank that for a few days, then went to 1 1/2 cups real and 1/2 cup decaf, etc. It took a couple of weeks, but was completely painless.
posted by kestrel251 at 11:00 AM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: Just go cold turkey. You will have a headache for 2 days, then you will be clear. Drink lots of water, stay out of the light. Turn off the phone. The misery will keep you from ever drinking caffeinated beverages again.
posted by humanfont at 11:09 AM on April 26, 2013

I quit coffee for a month or two every year, because otherwise I have to drink more and more and more of it to get the caffeine benefits (messed up, I know). I have found that tapering off does not work for me at all, although it might for you. Coworkers have done the ratio of decaf to caffeinated coffee thing that kestrel mentions, and it seems to work for them.

I just pick a weekend, grit my teeth, and have absolutely no caffeine. Be sure you sleep a lot and drink a ton of water. Ain't no shame in taking tylenol, because you're going to get headaches. It only lasts for a few days, though, and then you can be coffee free for as long as you want! But seriously, get enough sleep, it makes a big difference.
posted by zoetrope at 11:17 AM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: I've quit caffeine twice -- once by tapering, the second time cold turkey.

When I went cold turkey, the first couple days were OK -- I had some mild cravings and headaches, but drinking a lot of water made the symptoms go away. Then, for the next three days, I was struck by such debilitating headaches that I had to stay home from work and I began to question my own sanity. It started getting better at the end of the first week, but I still had headaches and a physical craving for caffeine for at least another two weeks after that. For probably two months I could not stop thinking about coffee. I spent a lot of time Googling the science of caffeine addiction and reading the testimonials of other people who'd had experiences like mine. It was awful.

I hope to hell I never relapse again, as that experience came right up against the border of unbearable. But if I do relapse, I'll definitely taper next time.

When I tapered, I was in the habit of drinking 1-3 coffees and 1-3 Cokes (at least 3 caffeinated drinks) per day, more when I had a lot of work on my plate. Here's roughly what I did (based on my imperfect memory):
* Week 1: No more Coke at all. Up to 2 coffees per day.
* Week 2: No coffee unless I got a headache or craving, and then no more than 1 per day.
* Week 3: One coffee every other day; one cup of green tea on "off" days if I got a headache or craving.
* Week 4: One cup of green tea every day. Up to two coffees allowed over the course of the week if my head really started to hurt.
* Week 5: One cup of green tea every other day. No coffee at all.
* Week 6: Green tea every third day. No coffee
* Week 7: Caffeine free!

Even with the very long, slow tapering plan I still got headaches and experienced withdrawal between drinks, but it was much milder and more manageable than when I went cold turkey.

I should not that I ONLY gave up caffeine because it was causing me semi-serious health problems. If coffee did not cause me other problems, I would still be drinking it today. I do not recommend quitting unless you have a financial or health reason for doing so.
posted by croutonsupafreak at 11:25 AM on April 26, 2013

Response by poster: >I do not recommend quitting unless you have a financial or health reason for doing so.

I feel like caffeine is debilitating and I do not like being dependent on any substance. It's not an explicit health reason but I feel like it's worth it.
posted by Tevin at 11:32 AM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: It sucks, but the only thing that has ever worked long-term for me is sleep hygiene and exercise in the AM. I can now go for 1-3 small cups (i.e., an actual ceramic mug) per day. A 3-mug day is very much the exception...once every 2 weeks or so.

For years I was in 10-15 cup mode. I once made a friend's iced coffee with salt water instead of regular by accident (don't ask). He glugged it down per usual and asked for more. That wasn't me drinking it, but it could have been. So I can dig the Breaking Bad problem.

During the withdrawal, see if you can score some long-acting Tylenol or what have you. Sounds is crazy...but if you know any Orthodox Jews, this stuff is popular around fast days (no coffee on Yom Kippur, obviously). For me it works better than a regular schedule of Tylenol...all psychological, but that's the point, right?
posted by skbw at 11:37 AM on April 26, 2013

I find it easier to switch to decaf than to quit altogether (because I don't feel like I'm denying myself in the same way.) And limiting myself to decaf eventually makes coffee less compelling. I still drink some at times but don't have the same drive. I'm not sure whether it's the (not as good) flavor or my subconscious being aware that it doesn't have caffeine.

A lot of decaf is pretty crappy. I've found some that's decent (Peet's decaf darker roasts) but it is still lacking.
posted by needs more cowbell at 11:44 AM on April 26, 2013

Have you looked into coffee's possible benefit? Hepatologists have been saying this for years, but it seems to fly below the radar. And it's benefits are dose-related, the more consumed, the more the benefit. Here's one snippet from the website of the AASLD, the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease -

Caffeine Consumption Associated with Less Severe Liver Fibrosis

Study Finds Caffeine in Sources other than Coffee Does Not Have Similar Effect

Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) who consumed more than 2 ¼ cups of coffee daily had milder liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis or scarring of the liver is the second stage of liver disease and characterized by a degradation of liver function due to accumulated connective tissue.

The analysis included 177 participants who were undergoing liver biopsy with a mean age of 51 years and mean body mass index (BMI) of 27.5. Daily consumption of caffeine from food and beverages ranged from none to 1028 mg/day with an average of 195 mg/day, which is equivalent to 1.4 cups of coffee daily. Most caffeine consumed came from regular coffee (71%) followed by caffeinated soda (13%), and black tea (4%).

“Our data suggest that a beneficial effect requires caffeine consumption above a threshold of approximately 2 coffee-cup equivalents daily.”
posted by citygirl at 11:45 AM on April 26, 2013

2nding decaf.

I love coffee, but I noticed I was jittery a few years ago. I switched to half-caf as a way to eventually go decaf. It worked like a charm.
posted by 2oh1 at 11:47 AM on April 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: "Have you looked into coffee's possible benefit? Hepatologists have been saying this for years, but it seems to fly below the radar. And it's benefits are dose-related, the more consumed, the more the benefit."

I do not doubt the health benefits, but like I have said, I dislike the dependency. After quitting all together I might get back to a place where I can drink one cup a day and be done but I would rather get rid of it altogether first and go from there.
posted by Tevin at 11:48 AM on April 26, 2013

I drink diet Dr. Pepper when I have a job, because it's easier to brain with caffeine than without. (Sleep hygiene and exercise might substitute, but I've never given them a serious try.) I quit when I'm out of work, because money.

I taper off pretty slowly, from a 2 liter bottle every other day to a bottle every three days, then four, then five. I don't have much trouble with headaches, but when I do get one, since I'm not working, I can treat it by napping. Making sure to get enough water helps a lot, too.
posted by Bruce H. at 11:49 AM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: I often have one cup in the morning, and so I make sure it is very good stuff from a local roaster who I love.

Some days I have a second cup after lunch, but I know I will regret it later. I do so solely to deficit-spend energy that I cannot do without in the moment, and I pay the price in the evening with a crash while trying to read the kids bedtime stories. :7)

I used to be a caffeine whore, and I switched by first accepting the amazingly high cost of great coffee, and then thinking about what a pot-a-day of expensive coffee would cost me in a month. I allowed myself one good cup a day, though.

And in between, I drink water. Lots of clear, cold water, but sometimes I fill my travel mug up with hot water and -- just between you & me, don't let my body hear this -- it's about as good for satisfying the somatic urge for a hot beverage.
posted by wenestvedt at 11:54 AM on April 26, 2013

I quit because the doctor said my PVCs were due to stimulants -- my daily 2-5 cups of cappuccino habit had finally caught up with me.

So on a two-week business assignment to a military base where I had to work 12-hour night shifts, where the only coffee available was canned, ground-last-year American drip, boiling away on a hot plate, I just drank water, instead. After several miserable days, the headache lifted.

And yet I love coffee so much, I still drink decaf -- but it's gotta be high-end, dark-roast, freshly roasted and ground, and I limit myself to one a day 'cause even though it's only 3% caffeine that's still enough to trigger a headache if I miss that cup.
posted by Rash at 11:59 AM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: I have an ongoing and recalcitrant caffeine addiction, so I can't really swear to any of my advice, but hey, I quit all the time.

There are two parts of it for me - one, the routine/beverage enjoyment aspect, and two, the actual caffeine part. I find that it's easier to kick if I deal with one of those at a time. You could do that in either direction - either taper off to decaf coffee, or switch to water and take caffeine pills on a tapering schedule. I tend to think that the latter is easier, because you're further from temptation, but since I can't get caffeine-free Red Bull I can't swear to it.

I also generally find that for all caffeine's supposed benefits, it fucks with my mood, appetite, and sleep schedule at anything above a very modest dose, and I have serious problems with sticking to a modest dose. It's a stimulant; it does stuff to you.
posted by restless_nomad at 12:02 PM on April 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

When I quit smoking, coffee and liquor went (for the most part) away with the cigarettes.
posted by Pudhoho at 12:02 PM on April 26, 2013

I love coffee, and I don't really mind being dependent on it. But every so often, I kick it for a few days or weeks, just to see what the world is like without it. What works best for me is to go cold turkey-- no caffeinated sodas, no caffeinated tea, no coffee-- and to drink lots of water. I find it helpful to give up alcohol at the same time. The most striking thing I've found is that without coffee I need a lot more sleep, but I feel really great when I get it.
posted by willbaude at 12:04 PM on April 26, 2013

Don't touch any caffeine for a week. None. (This includes things like chocolate and excedrin.) You will feel like complete and utter shit for about 3 days, but then you'll start to get better. One week of no caffeine will basically reset your system.
posted by phunniemee at 12:15 PM on April 26, 2013

I've quit coffee/ caffeine several times. This is my favorite tapering schedule. It's totally painless for me because the caffeine withdrawal is gradual and you get as much hot liquid as you want.

Week zero, if needed: Two cups of coffee per day (one morning, one afternoon). Unlimited black tea.
Week one: 1 cup of coffee per day, unlimited black tea.
Week two: 1 cup of black tea per day, unlimited green tea.
Week three: 1 cup of green tea per day, unlimited herbal tea (which is not really tea, it has no caffeine).
Week four: No caffeine.

I'm sure you can figure out how to adjust this to your liking if you go this route (two cups of black tea, use decaf coffee instead, etc). I actually usually stop at week two, because I'm not trying to get 100% off caffeine, just reduce my intake of caffeine to lower levels.
posted by insectosaurus at 12:16 PM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: I really recommend tapering off rather than quitting cold turkey, if only because quitting cold turkey is such a miserable experience and why go through it if you don't absolutely have to? But then I get absolutely terrible withdrawal headaches that basically require me to take to my bed for a day or two. I guess if you feel you can power on through your withdrawal symptoms, go cold turkey to get it over with. Otherwise, taper off by slowly switching to decaf (change one of your caffeinated cups for decaf per day until you've reached all decaf) or progressively lower caffeine teas (black tea to green tea to no caffeine).

I would also recommend you replace the coffee with some other non-caffeinated hot beverage, because otherwise you may be more likely to relapse just to fill that hot beverage hole in your life. Maybe switch to an herbal tea or hot chocolate if you don't want to go with decaf coffee?
posted by yasaman at 12:18 PM on April 26, 2013

I quit cold-turkey a couple of months ago. It was brutal, but I think I wouldn't have been able to ever truly quit, I'd have just tapered and tapered and fallen off the wagon and wound up taking five years to "quit." All or nothing, that's me. I quit, I was fine for about 30 hours and then I felt like a truck hit my face and omg I was so so so angry. The worst part lasted about two days, by the fifth day I was pretty much fine. What's fun now is that I can drink a cup pf coffee once in a while and get all wired, helps if I want to stay up late or something. Before, I never got wired from my caffeine, it was just necessity.

The recommendation of having a decaf alternative is good. I switched to decaf tea and while it didn't really help me avoid that nightmare of withdraw, it was comforting. And I think I might have fallen off the wagon if I hadn't had something to drink.

Also, I never really thought coffee was harming me, I actually quit on a dare, but I sleep better now. I didn't even know,I thought I was sleeping fine. But I wake up feeling more rested.
posted by upatree at 12:28 PM on April 26, 2013

I was drinking my lunch coffee as I read this thread. It occurred to me as it probably did to everyone that different people have different levels of tolerance for any substance. Bodies are so complex that it would be impossible for one size to fit all.
posted by Cranberry at 12:36 PM on April 26, 2013

I've quit caffeine because of what it did to my anxiety levels. I was surprised at how much my sleep improved after this. I was not a heavy coffee drinker. I usually had one cup (8 oz.) of coffee each morning; that's it. I quit coffee entirely for a while but I really missed the flavor and ritual of it, so now I drink decaf and find it very satisfying. (Technically there is a smidge of caffeine left in decaf coffee.)

Anyway, I recommend tapering off the caffeine by subbing ratios of decaf as other people have recommended above. You'll probably get terrible headaches if you go cold turkey. I also recommend not drinking coffee (decaf or no) after noon. Make coffee a Mornings Only beverage-- it gives the ritual downing of decaf more power.

If you notice that tapering off of caffeine is making you a cranky difficult person, make sure you're getting enough sleep in general and practicing good sleep hygiene. Also forgive yourself for it. And apologize where necessary. People will understand.
posted by purple_bird at 1:16 PM on April 26, 2013

I've quit caffeine because of what it did to my anxiety levels.

Yeah this is why I switched to tea. OK, so it takes 4-6 tea bags in the morning (2 per cup) to equal the medium latte I would always get, but it seems to keep me reasonably alert without the whole high blood pressure and heart palpitations thing.

But anyway, don't underestimate black tea. I wouldn't really recommend replacing coffee with, like, soda though (I saw some soda being mentioned upstream), even for the "short term."
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 1:44 PM on April 26, 2013

Best answer: "Coffee on the sidewalk" heh! I was you. I had to quit for health reasons - my body had started throwing back some really unpleasant side effects at me when I would drink my two-litre jug of black coffee in the morning: joint pain, swelling, ow. (The morning coffee binge was followed by a steady drip of espresso through the day too.) So that was a powerful incentive to start with. The way I did it was to wait til a long weekend, clear the house of all caffeinated products, including tea and soft drink, arm myself with Panedine (I'm in Australia - it's paracetamol and coedine) and vow to ride out the withdrawals by sleeping, resting, drinking epic amounts of water and watching movies. It sucked so incredibly hard. Like the flu, for two days, truly. By Monday I was able to get out of bed and function normally and coped fine with work on Tuesday. It really took til the next week for me to feel 'normal' though. I ended up replacing coffee with tea after a while which gives me a bit of a lift but which - crucial - I can do without, no problem, no withdrawals, if I have to. Bonus: my skin looks so much better since stopping coffee. Less grey circles under the eyes too. Good luck fellow java-fiend, good luck!
posted by t0astie at 1:50 PM on April 26, 2013

I quit coffee because it was giving me heartburn something fierce, and it only took me like 15 years to figure it out. I. Love. Coffee.

But I had to give it up because I love my esophagus more.

If you are drinking a lot of coffee, your caffeine intake is probably sky-high. So it will probably be necessary to taper. And you'll feel like crap no matter what you do, but the taper is a good idea just so you don't get the headaches. You'll still be tired, but you can power through. The benefits are quickly apparent- you don't get the crashes.

Anyway, you might consider replacement therapy. Switch to Red Bull. You won't like it, but it will give you an 80mg spank of caffeine in the morning. Then around noon start sipping on a can of caffeinated soda for the rest of the afternoon. The idea is to taper the crash down. And at this point, you are probably at 1/2 or 1/4 of your caffeine intake versus coffee. (There is a LOT of caffeine in coffee!)

So while you are getting used to no coffee, you aren't also a miserable fuck. After a week or so, give up the afternoon boost and sip the Redbull throughout the day. Then switch from redbull to straight soda (which has something like half the caffeine), and then down to nothing.
posted by gjc at 8:51 PM on April 26, 2013

No evidence, but I have to assume that tapering off is better, I've done it before, transitioning to decaff or (don't laugh) Ovaltine. If your head brain hurts really badly, you might actually be damaging it (very slightly).
posted by 445supermag at 8:08 AM on April 27, 2013

Once you're on the new program--try having your first AM cup be regular, and the rest of them be decaf. Then you actually do get the hit of caffeine, but you don't enter Breaking Bad territory. cup in the AM will not give you withdrawal...ask me how I know.

The easiest way to effect this (for me) is one of those little plastic Melitta pour-over jobbies that were extremely uncool until a couple years ago, when "pour-over" became a word. It used to be just a thing my dad had for after the pot was drunk up. You DON'T have to buy special small filters. Just crunch in the basket type from the dime store or wherever. helps if you're broke...just make your 2nd and 3rd cups by reusing your original grounds. During a dark period in my life, I actually did trail after my roommate, who made ultra-expensive coffee really strong, and then just left the Melitta thing unattended in the sink...hi, Gaby!

If you need a lift at night, and you happen to be buying coffee at a pour-your-own establishment (did someone say "church coffee"?), then put a TOKEN amount of regular into the cup and fill up with decaf.

On the other end from church coffee, at cafes and stuff, the words you are looking for are "decaf Americano." This is a shot of decaf espresso filled up with hot water. You have to pay good money for it, but if (1) you're already in a cafe and (2) quitting by any means necessary is your priority, then...

Also, mock if you will, but if you're at Starbucks already, don't forget the short size.
posted by skbw at 6:04 AM on April 28, 2013

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