Is there a good iOS/Andriod app for car mileage tracking?
March 31, 2013 2:23 PM   Subscribe

I'm iPhone, wife is Android, and we both use both of the family cars. Is there a good service, with smartphone apps for both platforms (or web interface that plays nicely with a low-end Android device and i5) for entering the current mileage, gallons purchased, price, ect for tracking fuel costs for each vehicle? I'd like to do what my dad did with a notebook in the glove compartment, but with the math and cloud-sync goodness parts handled by the pocket computers. Maybe this is a job for a Google Docs spreadsheet?
posted by Steve3 to Travel & Transportation (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: there's Fuelly, started by one Matt Haughey. Haven't used it myself so I don't know how exact it will fit your needs.
posted by mannequito at 2:29 PM on March 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Seconding Fuelly. Here is my motorbike on Fuelly.
posted by seanmpuckett at 2:34 PM on March 31, 2013

Third Fuelly and the web UI has a very nice, optimized mobile version that is super simple.
posted by mmascolino at 2:38 PM on March 31, 2013

I enjoy Gas Cubby
posted by tintexas at 2:38 PM on March 31, 2013

Response by poster: Gascubby looks to be iOS only, at least my search at the Play Store didn't bring it up, nor does the dev's website mention it.

Looks like Fuelly should fit the need, though I'm not uber-excited about the social networking aspect of it- my first choice would be that the data is just for me. I suppose I can get over that.
posted by Steve3 at 3:01 PM on March 31, 2013

I use aCar for my android device. I do not have iTunes or any ios device to see if it is on there.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 3:29 PM on March 31, 2013

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