Fun daily or weekly project?
December 29, 2012 5:58 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a non photography/non drawing daily or weekly project.

I'm looking for new things to try and I'm hoping to find something that I can create/do/try on a regular basis. I would like to look back on 2013 and say "hey, I did that!".

I'm not opposed to taking photos to document the project but I would like to avoid a project that is mainly about taking photos (i.e no daily theme photo). Details that may help: I have a camera, laptop, small budget and some basic craft supplies( paper, needles, thread, scissors, glue etc). I'm on Etsy and PostCrossing, can do basic sewing, live in a fairly large city.

I did see this question but didn't see anything that interested me and was hoping to find new suggestions.
posted by Lay Off The Books to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (6 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
How about knitting, since you mentioned you're on Etsy and can do basic sewing. I'm not a knitter myself, but I have a number of good buddies who knit. I think it's something that can be learned quickly, has plenty of room for artistic creativity, and will give you a way to produce fantastic christmas/ birthday gifts, or make a bit of money on the side.
posted by grifninetoo at 6:54 PM on December 29, 2012 [2 favorites]

It's a little less crafty, but perhaps write every day or every other day. I've been doing that recently, holding myself to writing a poem every other day at the least. The more I write, the easier, and it is something to be able to look at an archive of everything you've felt and written over a period of time.
posted by flying_trapeze at 8:18 PM on December 29, 2012

I'm sure I saw it on here, so apologies to whoever suggested it previously or wherever it came from - knit a scarf where each row is the color of the sky that day / the time of day when you knitted it.

I am trying to eat something I have grown every day. I have an apartment with a small courtyard, so don't imagine this is some sort of self-sufficiency exercise. It is a bit of greens in a salad, a handful of herbs, a clove of garlic, or the vegetables when there are some ready to go. Documenting what you grow and what you do with it?
posted by AnnaRat at 11:53 PM on December 29, 2012 [2 favorites]

Last year I completed a daily/365 papercraft project. One of the nice things is that there are free templates for all kinds of subjects and all difficulty levels, and all you really need is paper, a printer, scissors, and glue. It was easy sticking to the daily commitment knowing that there were things I could put together in 10 minutes, but challenging enough that there were some pieces that took a few days to make.

I created a tumblr for it, but there are free sites like that also work if you want to document it. Like you, I didn't want it to be about photography; when I found myself fiddling too long to get the perfect shot I switched to using my iphone and then simply uploaded the photo and a link to the original template.

This site has some examples of geek-themed papercraft that covers a range of styles.
posted by Room 641-A at 7:01 AM on December 30, 2012

Best answer: Do you have any large crafty project you want to do, like make a quilt or papercraft a gingerbread house? I'd set aside time every day to work on that, slow and steady and all.
posted by a robot made out of meat at 7:33 AM on December 30, 2012

To riff on flying_trapeze's answer, I have a book called "Talking Back to Poems" that suggests ways to identify various elements in poetry (sounds, imagery, structure) and then write a new poem trying to use some similar elements. It's a nice way to get some prompts and give yourself a starting point for your daily poem.
posted by kristi at 8:25 PM on December 30, 2012

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