Paper, paper, everywhere.
December 5, 2012 8:17 PM   Subscribe

I'm a freelance graphic designer in NYC and I would like to attend paper shows and exhibitions but I have fallen out of the loop with studio designers. How do I become alerted to or invited to paper shows?

I've attended many interesting and informative paper company functions (you know the kind with samples, snacks, and drinks) in the past and find them to helpful in staying connected to the design and printing community. The Neenah Paper launch of the Eames Collection was particularly great. However, now that i am not affiliated with a studio i dont know where to begin. Im assuming it would help to meet with print reps from companies in order to get invited to things. But mostly was wondering if there was a list of events or resources out there. I am not beyond simply registering for every paper company's mailing list or registering my design practice with some organizations. How do you get invited to paper events around NYC?
posted by c to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
1) Go to the next paper conference and spend time with the reps. Give them your info.

2) Much more direct: contact each firm you're interested in working with and ask to be added to their vip list. Drop titles that make you seem important and have a lot of rich clients. If they sense money then you'll get on the right lists.

This is not rocket science. Just takes some work.
posted by Murray M at 1:02 PM on December 22, 2012

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