How to monitor order or work progess
October 14, 2012 7:08 AM   Subscribe

Is there a software where clients can view the status of their work ordered from me?

I'm looking for a software where a client can see the status of work I'm doing for them or an order placed. I saw a similar thing when I ordered a ThinkPad. Each step of the order was listed so I knew when to expect delivery.

I would like a simple program that lets me fill in the progress and publishes this information so the client can securely access it.

Possible complication: this cannot be linked to a 'shopping' type web page as I bill clients differently. All I'm looking for is a buffer between me and the calls from clients asking when their work is going to be ready.

It would also be better if this information was viewable via a browser rather than a project-sharing software.
posted by stenoboy to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
A low tech solution would be to email them the updated status, something like

Water in kettle [completed]
Tea leaves in pot [pending]
And on and on...
posted by Thug at 9:56 AM on October 14, 2012

Response by poster: Thanks, Thug. I like the simplicty and minimalism of your answer, but I want the request to come from the customer, so they can log on to something that show them the status of the job. Sending out more emails is not something I want to do!
posted by stenoboy at 10:01 AM on October 14, 2012

I don't know if Asana would work for you?
posted by kariebookish at 10:13 AM on October 14, 2012

A disposable web page for each client might do the trick.
posted by davcoo at 11:46 AM on October 14, 2012

How many clients/orders are we talking about, and how often and in what detail are the updated? Are you shipping physical things? If so, would updates only apply to a shipment? (And not say an administration or creative task.)

Things like your Thinkpad order are 100% automated and come from internal inventory management system, scanning bar codes as they go through the process. Individuals can do the same thing, but how to do it would largely depend on what system you use for inventory.

If your work is more nebulous than pack & ship you have a few options:

If your client/project volume is low the disposable web pages that davcoo mentions is one good way. Another would be to keep a text file in a DropBox folder, give your client the link to the file and simply update the text file as you go.

For long-term clients and/or projects I have set up a private Twitter account for just updates to that project. Depends on the client and how comfy they are with Twitter.

Otherwise a full project management suite like Basecamp is overkill but will do what you want. And a billion other things.
posted by Ookseer at 1:17 PM on October 14, 2012

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