Underground Uppsala?
August 16, 2012 9:40 AM   Subscribe

Where do all the weirdos hang out in Uppsala? What are the good punk/metal/jazz/whatever venues? Are there any social centers/autonomous spaces/hacker spaces? Which organizations are dealing with leftist politics? Are there any cooperatives? ETC!

I'm moving to Uppsala and need help.

I also asked a similar question about Oslo
posted by beerbajay to Travel & Transportation around Uppsala, Sweden (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I had some Swedish friends in England who I think where living in a co-operative in Uppsala but I don't have any details (we lived in the same social center together for a while). I couldn't find anything on squat.net which is a good place to look for social centers but I did find this: Ungdomens Hus (Youth House) which is a self run youth center (though local government funded I believe I'm correct in thinking they are similar to social centers to some degree) which might be a good place to start.

As far a politics goes there is always the SAC the Swedish syndicalist union, who have a local branch (the SAC is among the largest of its type). I I also came across this page http://anarkisterna.com/lankar/(in Swedish) which seems to have a good set of links.
posted by tallus at 10:07 PM on August 17, 2012

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