Seeking a Personal Trainer on the Move!
August 13, 2012 1:15 AM   Subscribe

Help me think of ways to "work-out"/be physical in the backseat of a moving vehicle! (Unfortunately, the obvious response of "SEX!" is very much not an option in this case...)

I'm currently in the middle of an incredibly long cross-country car trip. Because this trip is happening on the cheap, the gym facilities (I use the term very loosely) in the hotels we've been staying in have been generally spotty to non-existent. I've been able to keep up with my cardio by going for a run before we set off in the morning, but haven't been able to fit in much strength/conditioning work. Time constraints also mean that my runs are far shorter than is usual for me. I feel like im getting flabbier by the mile, and I'm going a little stir crazy. What are some exercises I can do in the car which will simultaneously help to maintain my current conditioning level, while also helping me pass away the endless miles of highway?
Relevant info:
- In my normal life, I'm VERY active/physical, and have a good (but not earth-shattering) fitness level.
- My usual go-to physical activities are cycling, running, yoga, Pilates, and some simple free-weights
- During this sedentary period, I'm certainly not eating as many calories as I do on a typical day, but am not interested in going on a starvation diet for the remainder of the trip.
- I have the entire back bench seat of a VW Touareg available to me as my mobile fitness centre.

Help keep me from going totally nuts on this trip, MeFites!
posted by Dorinda to Health & Fitness (9 answers total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
IANAFit person by any stretch, but Isometric Exercise may be what you are looking for.
posted by Dr Dracator at 1:32 AM on August 13, 2012

Best answer: Lift knees to chest for abs and repeat... lots.

Sounds silly but twisting your trunk several times will do the trick for abs as well (1 minute intervals 10-15 sets).

Hold luggage in arms straight out and make small circles for a minute at a time... say 10-15 times. Even without luggage a lot of that will have your shoulders burning, you will be surprised.

You can do your yoga stretches while stretched out on the seat. Knees to chest for your back, leg up and reach to the side to touch your toes for your side and hips.

You can do V-ups too probably (depending on your height of course).

Point and flex your feet in one minute intervals (10-15 sets again) for your calves.

Good luck and safe travels!
posted by MyMind at 1:37 AM on August 13, 2012 [1 favorite]

Not car based but may also be of use, Nerd Fitness has a 20 minute hotel workout that doesn't require equipment.
posted by halcyonday at 2:46 AM on August 13, 2012 [1 favorite]

Shadow boxing. Just don't punch the driver in the back of the head accidentially and cause a horrific crash, killing you all upon impact. That would suck.
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 3:44 AM on August 13, 2012 [1 favorite]

Also, can you do burpees in the evenings or at periodic stops? Those can be really intense and great exercise and use your whole body.

I think realistically your best bet is going to be to maximize your time outside of the car instead of trying to get it going while you're in it.
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 3:46 AM on August 13, 2012

You can draw the alphabet with your feet! With one foot at a time, lift one leg as high as you can and point your toes out so that your foot and leg is flexed. Draw each letter of the alphabet A, B, C.... with your toes pointed. Make the letters pretty big, and don't pause between them. Usually I get to Q and then I really feel it. You even feel it in your upper quads. Then switch and do the next leg.

This is recommended on flights or when you're sitting for a long time to avoid blood clots in your legs. You can really feel it!

You could also just sit with your arms on the sides of your hips and lift yourself up. See how long you can hold yourself up, or see how many reps you can do.

Those squeezy hand things are also good, especially the two-pronged grip things for hand strength. If you concentrate and do it right you can feel it all the way up your forearm and into your bicep a bit.

Have a good trip!
posted by shortyJBot at 5:19 AM on August 13, 2012 [1 favorite]

In my fitter days, on road trips, we used to do burpees at every rest stop across the plains.
posted by notsnot at 6:03 AM on August 13, 2012

Response by poster: Awesome suggestions, everyone. Point well taken re: in-car distraction and odour as something to avoid. I smell many Burpees in my future...
posted by Dorinda at 6:30 AM on August 13, 2012

I was thinking that Isometric Exercises would be good.
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 8:19 AM on August 13, 2012

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