I'm not pregnant, just backed up.
July 10, 2012 2:54 PM   Subscribe

How much bloating/abdominal distension is normal with mild/moderate constipation?

I've always had a tendency to get constipated easily, but something I've noticed recently is that even after one day of being a little backed up my stomach protrudes to the point of being unable to fit into my normal clothes. It's also weird/gross because I can see the belly bulge moving as if something in my GI tract is shifting around (gas? feces?). I'm a small(ish) woman with a normally flat stomach (I don't have washboard abs or anything, but relatively speaking I don't carry much excess fat in my stomach), so when this happens I feel very self-conscious. I've been thinking about seeing my GP about the constipation, but I don't really know if what I'm experiencing is within the range of normal experience or not. I take a stool softener/laxative combo every night and drink tons of water during the day, but this bloating problem persists.

So, for those of you with mild/moderate constipation, do you get bloated like this? Is there anything I can do to make it go away? Should see my doctor about something that isn't really that serious and mostly makes me feel gross because I'm vain?
posted by Yo Mamma to Health & Fitness (15 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
This would freak me out, but so would chronic constipation.
Have you considered trying an elimination diet to find out what doesn't agree with your system? Would be worth a couple months without wheat, dairy, nuts, other starches, or whatever if it means you can gave a normal digestive system for the rest of your life!
posted by acm at 3:26 PM on July 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

I take a stool softener/laxative combo every night and drink tons of water during the day, but this bloating problem persists.

Why are you doing this? You are probably dependent on laxatives by now. I don't think it's that abnormal to feel seriously bloated from constipation though.
posted by BibiRose at 3:44 PM on July 10, 2012 [2 favorites]

I become severely bloated. I have to keep 3 different sizes of pants/skirts on hand. I feel like the amount of bloating I endure has to be abnormal. I can easily go a week without a bowel movement. Sometimes its uncomfortable to sit. My doctor recommended daily Miralax and increasing water. I eat a high fiber and low sodium diet. Nothing has helped in the last 10 years. I have not had a thorough exam or any testing done. As soon as I get my health insurance, I'm finally gonna have them check it out.
I would recommend you talk to your doctor about it if it's physically uncomfortable.
posted by KogeLiz at 4:00 PM on July 10, 2012

I've had very similar problems for most of my life, usually it's very painful too. A few years ago an aging hippy taught me about acidophilus. It's a great thing to get your guts back in order.

I dose up on it every couple of years when symptoms return. I know it's not exactly answering your question, but it was a real life saver for me and something that was never brought up by my MDs.
posted by snsranch at 4:00 PM on July 10, 2012

If you are taking stool softeners DAILY you have screwed up your bowels and need to go see a medical professional. That is likely the root cause here if you weren't exaggerating when you said this. Get thee to a GP! :)
posted by Hello Darling at 5:16 PM on July 10, 2012 [1 favorite]

You should definitely get that checked out by a doctor! It's not normal and it could be a sign of something else. It can also get worse.

In the meantime- I'd recommend a probiotic like Align or Pearls are the most popular and much more effective than yogurt. And if you want to try a non dependence forming anti-constipation, I recommend Magnesium Calm. Just be sure to start at less than the full dose to give your body time to get used to it. Otherwise it might give you the runs.
posted by Aliera at 5:24 PM on July 10, 2012

Well, I can tell you that I've never experienced that much of an effect from a single day of not going. But a lot of other things in your post also jump out.

Do you mean that you needed to poop but it was uncomfortable due to the poop being too hard/not coming out, or just that you didn't feel the need to poop that day? A normal schedule can be anywhere from three times a day to once every three days--if you're going at least once every three days and it's not painful/straining/need to go but can't, then you generally wouldn't be considered to be constipated.

Softener/laxative every day is super bad for you and will make the problem worse, as others have said.

What's your diet like? How much fiber do you get?

Do you get a moderate amount of exercise?

Do you have any food sensitivities? If you're eating something that you're intolerant of, it could be causing some constipation and also gas/bloating.

(If you're not using hormonal birth control...) Does this mostly happen at a certain point in your cycle? A few days before your period, perhaps (or during ovulation)?

You should definitely talk to your doctor, to wean yourself off of the laxatives if nothing else. But if your doctor can't pin down the underlying issue then try keeping a journal for a while, and see if there's some trigger.
posted by anaelith at 5:59 PM on July 10, 2012

Best answer: Do you have, er, *explosive* defecation events mixed with the constipation? That's a reasonable sign of microbial imbalance (or rather, having the "wrong" kind of bacteria taking over your gut).

Probiotic yoghurts (live lactobacillus) might help. Increasing dietary fiber might also help, but I think that introducing more modern-human-friendly bacteria could help change the balance of power currently residing in your gut.

I had a really bad case of food poisoning over the last winter holidays and I never really recovered my normal gut microfloral mix. Been eating more unpasturized yoghurt lately and supplementing with inulin-based powdered fibre supplements and it's been helping.
posted by porpoise at 7:54 PM on July 10, 2012

This is not normal, you should see a doctor.
posted by karlos at 9:55 PM on July 10, 2012

I had a friend in college who said he experienced this regularly during his foreign exchange stint in China. His Chinese acquaintances came to call his protruding belly his "shit baby."
posted by croutonsupafreak at 10:18 PM on July 10, 2012

Yes, this happens with my IBS.

Get rid of the laxative, that is not helping.

Try peppermint tea (now) or sweets with peppermint oil.

As you come off the laxatives, prune juice or aloe vera juice will help a LOT.

I am never sure about the bacteria thing because those yoghurts with the added stuff make my insides go insane! But try it by all means when you're off the laxative.

And see your doctor.
posted by LyzzyBee at 1:04 AM on July 11, 2012

Ever looked into being gluten intolerant or Celiac? Bloating and constipation are not uncommon symptoms.
posted by leslies at 4:48 AM on July 11, 2012

Response by poster: Wow, I had no idea I wasn't supposed to take the stool softener every day. I got the idea from a friend who is also a nurse, so I never really questioned it. I also mentioned this to my doctor the last time I saw her and she didn't warn me against it. I think that's probably a sign that I should look for a different doctor to bring my digestive worries to.

When I say mildly constipated, I mean that I almost always have a daily bowel movement, but it's never "enough." I don't know how else to put it, but my stomach is still large, my lower abdomen feels full and I can see it moving around like something is in there. Porpoise's guess basically characterizes it, and based on some of the other answers I think that probiotics might be good start until I can see a good doctor.

A few years ago I tried a restrictive diet for other reasons and I remember feeling like a digestive superstar, so I might start that up again.

Thanks for all your answers. This question is kind of gross/embarrassing so I'm grateful to have internet strangers willing to talk about my bowels.
posted by Yo Mamma at 5:04 AM on July 11, 2012

That sounds a lot more like gas to me. If you have a food sensitivity/intolerance that would explain a lot (really, food/bowel journal for two weeks).

If it's a bulk-forming softener, that's not so bad as other types of laxatives, but check what the active ingredients are. I'd still recommend weaning yourself off of it, though, just because it's easier to be mindful of foods as opposed to the super concentrated powders.
posted by anaelith at 6:29 AM on July 11, 2012

Really good fiber thing for helping with a sluggish system: CHIA SEEDS! They are also one of the most nutritionally dense foods, someone said. They aren't unpleasant at all. I add (a Tablespoon) to cereal or yogurt. Worst thing about them is that you'd better check in a mirror, even after brushing and flossing your teeth! I live in a small town and have to buy them at a health food store, but it's worth it.

After menopause... many women's systems S - L - O - W down... You can also try psyllium, which comes in capsules or powder that you can mix in a drink. Be sure to drink plenty of water no matter what form you use. Also, vegetables generally help. You can search for "foods that fight bloat" and find specific foods and spices like asparagus and papaya that might help you.

Good Luck!
posted by Leah at 9:58 AM on July 12, 2012

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