Classes for programming Access forms - Toronto
May 24, 2012 2:19 PM   Subscribe

Where in Toronto can I take a class on programming Access 2003 forms?

For my work, I need to learn how to program complex forms in Access 2003. I can already set up databases and tables - I need to learn how to program forms beyond what the wizard can do.

I do not learn well from manuals. I have already taken the "advanced" MS Access online course offered by my workplace (and all it had was an introduction to simple forms).

I would like to take a hands-on class, preferably in person.

What I need to learn is how to set up forms that can deal with multiple tables (probably using multiple subforms), and complex skip sequences. I also need to use a switchboard opening.
posted by jb to Education (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
No idea about classes, but one thing to consider if nothing else turns up is to email the Comp Sci depts at the various universities. List the things you need to learn, say you want a 2hr (or whatever) tutoring session, and name your price. Ask the dept admin to send out the request to the grad students in the department, chances are someone will be able/willing to help you out.
posted by miss_kitty_fantastico at 3:00 PM on May 24, 2012

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