Can I use an AmEx Gift Card for an American Express Presale at
May 24, 2012 10:09 AM   Subscribe

Can I use an AmEx Gift Card for an American Express Presale at Specifically, this event? I don't have a regular AmEx credit card.
posted by AONeal79 to Shopping (6 answers total)
When I've bought tickets that were held for AmEx customers, I've had to enter in a piece of information beyond just the typical card info. So, no, I don't think it works for gift card holders.
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 11:14 AM on May 24, 2012

No, presales are for cardmembers only.
posted by halogen at 11:38 AM on May 24, 2012

(It's not a particularly exclusive club; I bet if you applied for and qualified for an Amex, they would be happy to overnight it to you.)
posted by halogen at 11:40 AM on May 24, 2012

I found the same thing halogen did, but FWIW this super random comment from some message board from March of last year (biggest grain of salt ever) says it worked for at least one presale.
posted by inigo2 at 11:56 AM on May 24, 2012 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Inigo2 - yes, I saw a couple comments to that effect too, which is why I haven't written off the idea altogether.
posted by AONeal79 at 12:46 PM on May 24, 2012

Response by poster: Ok, here's the official, noncommital response from Ticketmaster: "Thank you for contacting us. You may be able to use your American Express gift card. Unfortunately since the presale has not started yet for this event, we cannot see what is required for it. Sometimes it may require an actual credit card to be used, since it may ask for the Customer Service number on the back or the actual credit card number. We would suggest checking on the day that the presale begins, which is Wednesday May 30, 2012, to see what is accepted or required. You will be able to see this on the event page where you buy the tickets."
posted by AONeal79 at 1:08 PM on May 25, 2012

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