Help me avoid rush hour
April 5, 2012 7:03 AM   Subscribe

Avoiding 22 East in the Lehigh Valley (PA) on a weeknight: can it be done?

Any Allentown/Bethlehem residents out there? I'll be driving into the Lehigh Valley via 476 North on a weeknight, probably around rush hour.

When I make this trip, I generally get on 22 East from 476 North, but this is the first time I will be doing it around rush hour. It's bad enough around 3 p.m. so I can only imagine what it's like around 5 or 6.

I need to get to Airport Road. I thought of getting off 476 at the exit for Rte 663, coming up over 378/South Mountain (not quite sure how that works but I imagine it can be done), and cutting through Bethlehem on Union Blvd., but I can't imagine that would be much better.

I'm willing to hang out somewhere for an hour or so (Promenade Shops in Saucon Valley, for example) if that might help.

Any suggestions appreciated - thanks.
posted by Currer Belfry to Travel & Transportation around Allentown, PA (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Taking 663 *might* be better, though 309 can sometimes get backed up, and driving through Bethlehem might be a little slow. I haven't driven it during rush hour recently, so it's hard to say. The nice thing about doing the 663/309 route is you at least have the option of stopping somewhere easily along the way, since it's a normal road, with plenty of stores along the way. If you're on the highway, you have to wait until the next exit.

Google has a back way I've never tried from the 663 exit to Airport Rd (I picked the Target on Airport Rd as an ending point). I have no idea if it would be faster or slower, but maybe it's worth a shot?

FWIW, I live somewhat near the Target on Airport Rd, and I generally take the 663 route—mostly because by that point I'm tired of the turnpike and want to switch it up a bit.
posted by deansfurniture5 at 7:14 AM on April 5, 2012 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Get off 476 in Quakertown. Take 309 to 78 and go east. Take 33 north and then 22 west. It's a little less direct, but should be easier. 378 is a nightmare at rush hour.
posted by byjingo! at 9:53 AM on April 5, 2012 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: 663 it is. I might try the 33 to 22 west trick. Thanks everyone.
posted by Currer Belfry at 5:48 PM on April 5, 2012

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