Historical Flight Data
March 18, 2012 7:48 PM   Subscribe

How can I find data on whether a flight from the recent past (less than a week) was delayed or not?

There is a flight that left Los Angeles and arrived in San Francisco on Friday, March 16th at night. The flight was scheduled to leave LA around 8. Can anybody tell me, or point me in the direction where I can find, whether this flight was delayed?

I don't know the airline. I don't know which airport in LA (but I assume LAX).

I'd love to know details about the airports (SFO/LAX) that day (if you have first hand knowledge) or more information about arrivals into SFO that night (and not just when they were scheduled, but when they actually arrived).
posted by brgale to Travel & Transportation around California (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
According to FlightTrack, there were three flights to SFO from LAX scheduled around that time. Delta 4771 and United 643 were both on time, and Southwest 1563 was cancelled.
posted by strangely stunted trees at 8:01 PM on March 18, 2012

Flight Aware?
posted by kellyblah at 8:47 PM on March 18, 2012

Came in to suggest Flight aware that kellyblah mentions.
posted by k5.user at 7:59 AM on March 19, 2012

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