What are some ways to drive traffic to my company's Google+ page?
March 9, 2012 9:15 AM   Subscribe

What are the best ways to promote my Google+ Page as a moderate size CPG business?

I've recently been tasked with growing my company's Google+ presence. However, I've discovered that it's pretty tough to get people to circle you as a page, since I can only circle people once they've circled me, nor can I comment on or +1 anything even if it's public if the poster isn't in my circles. That makes sense, I can see how these restrictions limit spam.

I've already added the G+ badge with Direct Connect code to our website, and we've got an interesting Hangout planned, but is there anything else I can do to drive traffic to our page? I've written a few status updates that include hashtags relevant to our business that people might search for, and a few people have joined, but what I can do beyond that? I know, only nerds use G+, but I still need to do my job! :)
posted by speedgraphic to Technology (1 answer total)
As a brand page, you can circle and interact with other brand pages. Find some that have a lot of followers, decent traffic, and are legitimately an 'interest' of your brand. Then interact with the pages through comments, giving insight and opinions on what is posted. Don't do simple "Nice!" or "Great post!" comments ... those always come off as disingenuous and won't help. Consistently interesting comments and insights that are a mirror of what your brand is about (and hopefully represent the type of content that can be found on your page) should nab loads of followers.

You may already know about it, but the Google+ Your Business page occasionally has good tips and ideas.
posted by General Zubon at 9:50 AM on March 9, 2012

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