Who took these large-format photographs of a library, a grocery store, and a hotel atrium?
March 9, 2012 8:10 AM   Subscribe

What contemporary artist took these large-format color photographs of a library, a grocery store, and a hotel atrium? I saw them in Germany in the summer of 2002.

I visited Germany in the summer of 2002 and visited a number of contemporary art museums. In one of them I viewed a series (3 or 4?) of beautiful large-format color photographs taken with a wide-angle lens. The common theme was building interiors --- there was one (horizontally oriented) of a grocery store, one (vertically oriented) of a hotel atrium, and a third (also vertically oriented) of a library. I remember them as being about poster-size or possibly slightly larger, but I could be wrong. I cannot remember the name of the artist and I am having no luck on google. I have the artist's name written in the journal I kept during the trip, but I'm traveling and won't be home for another 5 weeks and it's driving me mad.

I believe I saw Damien Hirst's Lullaby Spring at the same museum, but I am not 100% sure.

The cities I visited that summer were as follows: Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Munich, Freiburg, Stuttgart, Kassel, Cologne, Hamburg, and Frankfurt. I am leaning toward Berlin, Cologne, Munich, or Hamburg. I am pretty sure it was not at Documenta 11, but I might be wrong.
posted by slenderloris to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Andreas Gursky?
posted by wingless_angel at 8:11 AM on March 9, 2012

Response by poster: Yes, thank god! "Shanghai" is the hotel atrium I was thinking of.

Apparently that was too easy :) Bonus points to anyone who knows what museum it was.
posted by slenderloris at 8:15 AM on March 9, 2012

I have no way to know where you saw these photo's but Is there a possibility that you saw them at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich? I've seen this work several times since 2007 but I think I remember seeing them there around that time?? (I have not looked in detail, but just to narrow down your search!)
posted by Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory at 10:51 AM on March 9, 2012

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