I need local Orange County machines or super late night or Sunday machines in LA.
March 5, 2012 6:11 PM   Subscribe

Where can I rent time on industrial sewing machines in Orange County, CA?

I'm looking for a place where I can use industrial sewing machines and overlock machines in Orange County, CA. I'm taking a pattern making class at LA Trade Tech, which has homework requirements, so I need access to industrial machines outside of class.

However, since I live/work in Orange County I can't make it to campus to use the machines during lab hours, so I need access to machines near me. I know there are places in downtown LA in the fashion district that rent time on industrial machines, however, none of the ones I've found are open on Sundays or late enough during the week that I could use them after work.

So I'm stuck looking for other options. I was hoping someone might know of places in Orange County that rent time on machines. Places in LA that have Sunday availability or late night availability would also work, but I would prefer something more local.
posted by Arbac to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (1 answer total)
Is buying not an option? We bought a 1950s industrial strength machine on eBay for $60. It sews through leather and upholstery. What with the price of gas and the opportunity cost of your time traveling, I bet you'd make it up pretty quickly.
posted by desjardins at 6:21 AM on March 6, 2012

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