Biomedical Equipment Technician AS degree - Can I do this faster and/or better?
February 20, 2012 8:01 AM   Subscribe

I am planning on returning to school for a 2-year associates degree in biomedical equipment technology (AKA medical equipment repair). Does it have to take 2 years?

If I don't find something better, I will likely go to Gateway Community College in New Haven, CT; It seems like a good program, they're reasonably close to home, and they are just about to move to a brand new building with brand new equipment. The downsides are that it won't start until the Fall semester and, even though I already have a 4-year BA and won't have to take a bunch of non-core classes, it will still take two years because certain classes are only offered during certain semesters.

So, is there a faster and/or better way to do this? I want to get to the point where I am working in the field as soon as possible. Are there any companies that will get me trained while I work? Accelerated BMET programs somewhere? Or is Gateway as good a choice as any?
posted by The Dutchman to Education (1 answer total)
I can't answer to the schools themselves, but maybe consider taking courses from another accredited university during the summer (make sure your credits will transfer)? In order for me to complete my BA in 3.5 years I took summer classes, including a few at a local university which I made sure would transfer over to my transcript. Other options are to discuss potentially doing some of the less hands-on courses as an "independent study" course, by talking to the professors or department heads.

Best answer is to go in, talk to the department and see if they can help you finish it in under two years. Someone there should be able to give you a definitive answer.

As far as companies that will train you as you work - because this is a more specialized field that may be difficult, but there's no harm in reviewing what your job options are. A lot of companies support continuing education programs, however many of them require a certain period of service before they offer tuition assistance or are willing to work around your class schedule.
posted by bleachandink at 8:09 AM on February 22, 2012

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