Hydrating oils for face
December 8, 2011 4:29 PM   Subscribe

What is best natural product for extremely dehydrated face. I have no acne problem and my skin is not sensitive.

What could be the porblem if I use the recommended oils (even olive oil) directly to my face?
posted by page123 to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (15 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I use Banana Boat Aloe after-sun lotion -- the aloe in it heals and the water rehydrates. The problem I see with oil is that it will not absorb and hydrate your skin, and could clog your pours. You want something that contains a lot of water to hydrate.
posted by DoubleLune at 4:42 PM on December 8, 2011

Jojoba oil is awesome. Olive oil is fine...I've used it but it doesn't quite do the trick for me in dry, winter weather.
posted by fromageball at 4:46 PM on December 8, 2011 [2 favorites]

I use vegetable glycerin and it's really good. You can get in online at places like Amazon and I think Walmart. I saw it at Whole Foods yesterday too but it was about twice the asking price online. Glycerin is a great way too add moisture to your skin, if you google glycerin and skin you'll see some info pop up. You can put a little on a just let it settle or wipe the excess off after it's had like 15 minutes to soak in. It's a little gooey so you can add some non-alcohol witch hazel oil if you want to lessen the goo factor. Whatever you get don't get anything with alcohol in it because that will dry your face out fast. Good luck!
posted by modoriculous at 4:47 PM on December 8, 2011

Sometimes people with very dry, chronically dry skin (especially if they have been avoiding soap and using oils) actually have a fungus.

However, I think hydration and less hot water is the best answer.

If you do not have bad skin, any old drug store/boutique grocery store lotion should be fine. You might want to take it easy on strongly scented lotions, just to be careful.

If you are really interested in natural do some research - a lot of "natural" products are just whipped up in in giant vats in New Jersey and then packaged for the health food store. They will not mention this on the label.
posted by Lesser Shrew at 4:49 PM on December 8, 2011

Aveeno is a good drug-store brand that makes good moisturizers. Burt's Bees is also good and easy to find.
posted by shoesietart at 5:00 PM on December 8, 2011

I've been using the Oil Cleansing Method for my incredibly dry skin and it's been wonderful.
posted by TooFewShoes at 5:23 PM on December 8, 2011 [2 favorites]

If you can get hold of pure lanolin, that is awesome. I once saw a dermatologist who gave me a prescription for it, but I've also seen it for sale in occasional shops. If you can't get it pure, a high percentage of it in a cream with as few other ingredients as possible is the way to go.

My dermatologist told me to use it twice a day, but put it on for a few minutes, then wash it off, rather than leaving it and rubbing it in. Otherwise it kind of clogs up your pores.
posted by lollusc at 5:42 PM on December 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

I do a simpler version of the oil cleansing method linked above. I simply massage coconut oil into my skin twice a day and wipe with a warm washcloth. If my skin feels a little dry afterwards, I rub a very small amount of the oil onto my clean skin. I've always struggled with combination skin - bad cystic breakouts on my chin and tight, flaky, itchy patches on my forehead; since I started using nothing but coconut oil on my face about 6 months ago, my skin has never been better.
posted by katie at 5:51 PM on December 8, 2011

We still use Aloe Vera, the juice and gel right off the plant. It's good but not a cure. Are you eating any fats or lipids? It sounds counter intuitive to good health but it's necessary for healthy skin.
posted by snsranch at 5:56 PM on December 8, 2011

I'm going to second jojoba oil - it's wonderful, lush stuff. You only need an amount slightly smaller than a dime for the whole face. It may feel slightly greasy at first, but don't panic, and let it sink in. Your face will feel dewy and moist, and it really helped me from getting raw and chapped skin during the Boston winters. I've made numerous converts, so it's not just some weird quirk of my own (see online reviews too!). You can get it at Trader Joe's for about $7/bottle, last time I checked, and probably Whole Foods etc. sells it.

Even more than jojoba, if your skin is super dry I'd recommend squalane/squalene. It's even more velvety and cushiony. Takes a little longer to sink in but should really help your skin feel moist. There are lots of positive reviews of it online (e.g. here). My understanding is that some squalane is made with shark liver and some is made from other sources (e.g. olives), so if you're either vegetarian or concerned about depleting shark populations, you may want to resource your sources. But I'd absolutely recommend this oil. I know you said you're not acne-prone or sensitive, but I'm both, and also have dryish skin, and they were fantastic (in case anyone else is reading with similar skin to mine!).

I've also heard rose hip seed oil is good for dry/mature skin. I've frankly never used it because I'm in my twenties and more importantly, have acne-prone skin. But might be worth looking into, or adding into a mix of various oils! You could also try emu, which is supposed to have healing properties. Beware that this comes from bird fat, so you'll want to avoid if you're vegetarian or squeamish (if you're the latter and decide to go for it, absolutely don't read about how they make it!). I've used emu and it didn't break me out, and I liked it, but it felt a bit heavy on my face. I imagine if I had badly dry skin rather than combination skin, it might have really worked. I've used coconut oil and it was okay, but not only did it break me out, but I found it a bit shiny, heavy, and difficult to get it to absorb fully (obviously YMMV). Check back in and let us know what you decided on - I'm curious!
posted by UniversityNomad at 9:21 PM on December 8, 2011 [2 favorites]

Switching to a cream cleanser and then following with rosewater & glycerin as a toner has made a huge difference to my skin, which was seriously dry for months. Rosewater & glycerin is really cheap, too.

In answer to "what could be the problem" - applying oil to my face, including the oil cleansing method, ended in cystic acne for me. It's not for everyone.
posted by carbide at 12:04 AM on December 9, 2011 [1 favorite]

I have good luck adding two drops of a "balancing" oil by Aveda to my daily moisturizer. I mix them together before applying to my face.
posted by ImproviseOrDie at 2:44 AM on December 9, 2011

Thirding jojoba oil. I've been using it for a year or so and my skin has never looked better. Sometimes I think it's a little pricey...I pay about $7 for 4 ounces at Whole Foods, but that seems cheap when you compare it to high-end moisturizers (or any moisturizers, for that matter). I read about it in the book No More Dirty Looks, and I think they suggest other oils in there too.
posted by lagreen at 4:01 AM on December 9, 2011

I use an olive-oil based moisturizer from Plum Island Soap Co. (this one; I buy it at Whole Foods) and I think it's lovely. It's mostly just olive oil with beeswax and stuff to make it creamy instead of liquid. It does leave my face greasy so I only use it before bed. If it didn't seem so messy I would totally use olive oil as a moisturizer.
posted by mskyle at 8:01 AM on December 9, 2011 [1 favorite]

Don't wet your face with water! Swipe on toner or a waterless cleanser (Clarins has a good one that I use) or use a cream cleanser and then blot it off with a damp washcloth. Afterwards, moisturize like fiend.

Taking water out of the equation was the key to my dry, sensitive skin becoming comfortable and soft.
posted by Katine at 8:06 AM on December 9, 2011

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