Dear diary...
December 8, 2011 8:16 AM   Subscribe

Looking for an Android "daily diary" type app to track a health issue, but it needs to be somehow exportable/printable so that I can provide it to the doctor.

Based on this question, I've decided it's a good idea to track my digestive issues so that I can give it to a gastroenterologist once the referral goes through. I've seen apps for daily diaries and for specific issues (general health stats, CBT thoughts, weight tracking, etc.) but I'm looking for one that allows me to do the following:

-- Enter in specific daily details regarding pain and discomfort (text form only, not quantitative pain scale ratings or stats), tracked by date
-- Multiple entries per each date so that I can add info as symptoms shift over the course of a day; if tracked by time of day that would be especially helpful
-- Ability to export to PDF or other printable format to hand to doctor during the appointment

It doesn't matter what the app is specifically designed to do (I can repurpose any other type of app), as long as it can do the above. The convenience of being able to update on my phone (vs. paper or computer) would be awesome and would help ensure that I'm diligent, and I need to have some way to share it with the doctor (the whole reason to track in the first place).

posted by mireille to Technology (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Would Evernote not work for that? I can't tell if you're wanting something highly template-able, but I would use Evernote for this. That way you could get at it from anywhere, including a web browser on someone else's computer if you had to.
posted by Lyn Never at 8:25 AM on December 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

Came in to say Evernote too, or at least one of those general note taking apps that you can also access via computer. Springpad could work, or Google Docs.
posted by theichibun at 8:37 AM on December 8, 2011

If you don't twitter otherwise (you can't have more than one account per phone, I believe), you could do this by tweeting to a private twitter account. It won't track time time of day, though, just date. And I'd cut-and-paste it all into a word file after a bit since tweets can disappear eventually.
posted by needs more cowbell at 9:21 AM on December 8, 2011

I track my own daily questions using Google Docs' "form" functionality.

If you create a new spreadsheet, open up the "Form" menu, then "Create New Form". You can add whatever questions and question types you want, and it'll auto-fill the table with your time-stamped responses as you make them.

You can access the survey link from your phone - I'd just add it as a bookmark.
posted by bookdragoness at 10:02 AM on December 8, 2011

needs more cowbell: "you can't have more than one account per phone, I believe"

If you use TweetDeck instead of Twitter's actual client you can have multiple accounts. And for people worrying about space it's smaller. Plus I think it's better but that's a personal thing.
posted by theichibun at 11:06 AM on December 8, 2011

Response by poster: Thanks for your help! The irony is that I pushed my organizationally-challenged husband so hard to use Evernote (which he eventually did) but it never occurred to me to use it myself.

I've set up an Evernote account AND I've set up a form in Google Docs (love this!), and I'll try both and see what the output looks like. The form as I've set it up contains a text field for description, a drop-down list of pain rating, and a multiple choice set for location in my abdomen. The timestamped spreadsheet results page might be exactly what I need, just need to put a shortcut on my phone now. I kind of want to make forms for everything now!

Anyhow, I'll try both and see which works best for me-- and then report back!
posted by mireille at 5:12 PM on December 8, 2011

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