Working as a recruiter experiences...
June 23, 2005 5:27 AM   Subscribe

A very good friend of mine has been working as a recruiter in Pharm for the last 4 years, and seems to like it. He is going out on his own this year (no commission split)....

he has hinted that if I was interested in a career change, I should look into doing this as well. i was wondering if any Metas were in this field and if it was working well for them? My biggest fear is loosing the benifits (medical, dental) of working for an established employer...
posted by keep it tight to Work & Money (1 answer total)
It would seem like moving into a startup business is something for those who are passionate about what they are doing and willing to take that risk.

It is not unreasonable to take stock of your own personality and/or life situation and decide that a particular venture is not for you.

I'm at a CRO (Contract Research Organization), we do work for big Pharma. the industry is flush with money now, and the aging American population suggests that there will still be money coming in. Since Pharma industry is tied to new drug pipelines and year by year some of the big houses win and some loose, staffers do move positions often. The market probably exists for you to do well.
posted by BeerGrin at 6:30 AM on June 23, 2005

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