Recommendations for music classes for a 4 and 6 year old?
November 25, 2011 10:26 AM   Subscribe

Music lessons for a 4 and a 6 year old in the Baltimore area?

My 4 year old nephew is getting a mini-drum kit for christmas and I want to buy both he and his 6 year old brother some music lessons. I like the idea of It's Groovy Baby, but they have a class for 0-5 year olds and one for 5-7 year olds, but not one they can both do together.

Does anyone have suggestions for something like that that would work for a 4 and a 6 year old? Or just recommendations for music classes in Baltimore for younger kids in general.
posted by empath to Education (1 answer total)
As the parent of a small kid, I'd recommend letting Mom/Dad pick out a class that works with their schedules/location versus a GREAT class.
posted by k8t at 4:04 PM on November 25, 2011

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