Asset legal ramifications of registering domestic partnership in Minnesota
November 8, 2011 9:26 AM   Subscribe

Asset legal ramifications of registering domestic partnership in Minnesota

My girlfriend and I are considering registering as a domestic couple in Minnesota due to various reasons including insurance coverage and hospital/medical reasons. However, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what legal ramifications are going to come of this because as far as I can tell, property and assets would not be divided upon a split like in a conventional marriage. Other factors to consider also seem to be in a grey area compared to a conventional divorce. Can anyone advise on the legal ramifications upon termination of domestic partnership in terms of assets?

We are not planning to split, but prepare for the worst, hope for the best. We are also a heterosexual couple. We do plan on marrying one day, but that day is a few years away.
posted by lpcxa0 to Law & Government (1 answer total)
Minnesota as a state does not recognize domestic partnerships, though there are some cities that do (Minneapolis and St. Paul, for example).

These registries are pretty much symbolic and don't carry any legal protection, rights, or asset distribution/combination whatsoever.

If (and that's a big "if") one of your employers offers coverage for opposite sex domestic partners and you wish to add coverage for your partner, just follow whatever procedures they have for enrollment. They probably don't require you register with your city as domestic partners anyway. Also, if you do register in your city (assuming your city of residence has a registry), there's no guarantee that your health plan offers coverage for domestic partners anyway. The registry does not grant the same rights as a legal spouse as defined by the state.

As far as other rights like end of life decisions or medical directives, you will need to complete those forms/applications (power of attorney, etc.) the same as would any other unmarried individuals.

Registering as a domestic couple doesn't gain you anything.
posted by thatguyjeff at 11:03 AM on November 8, 2011

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