Nashville Grocery Delivery Service
September 26, 2011 11:13 AM   Subscribe

Are there any grocery delivery services in Nashville TN? My mother has trouble doing her own grocery shopping due to walking issues.
posted by josher71 to Food & Drink (5 answers total)
The local delivery service, Plumgood, went out of business a few years ago. Harris Teeter seems to have an Express Lane service available in Nashville where you order your groceries online and have a set time you can drive up and have them bring your stuff to your car.
posted by ghharr at 11:24 AM on September 26, 2011

Best answer: Schwans says it delivers to zipcode 37201. Presumably that means they cover the rest of Nashville, too.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 11:27 AM on September 26, 2011

Most Taxi Services will pick up a delivery ... combine that with Harris Teeter Express Lane service, and problem solved.
posted by batikrose at 12:46 PM on September 26, 2011

Call any Elder Services agency in the area, or even an over-62 apartment facility; here would be a good place to start:

(I'd highlight it so you just have to click on it, but I can't figure out how)

I live in an apartment building for elderly in Spokane, WA and we have a Social Services lady who arranges things like this for people who live here. There are a few volunteers who come once a week and take people to the grocery and I'm sure you can line up something that way. Our groceries have scooter-carts and I'm sure the same is true in Nashville, and once she gets used to putzing around in one of those scooters and picking out her own groceries, she'll be enjoying it all again, I'll bet. We have several groceries who do deliver here, and Schwan's of course, but Schwan's is expensive and an old person will eat better if they pick out what they want themselves. We have people here who live on pizza, others who have 15 pot pies delivered to them from a grocery and that's all they eat - neither of which does anything for their health or their enthusiasm for life.

I use a scooter and pick my own groceries. I prefer going this way to going with my daughter, who used to take me to the store once every couple of weeks, but she honestly does have an incredibly busy life and I always felt rushed and usually forgot something. This works much better for me.

Your mother might try a roll-around walker with a seat (called a Rollator) for shorter trips. I used one for years, especially for library trips, because I could sit down when I wanted to and still use the basket for a few books/groceries. Anything that gets her out of the house is going to benefit her.

Good luck to you both.
posted by aryma at 7:46 PM on September 26, 2011 [1 favorite]

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