Is there help for the mentally ill jumping through flaming bureaucratic hoops?
June 20, 2011 4:03 PM   Subscribe

I'm tired of jumping through bureaucratic hoops to stay sane/stable. Mental health resources, prescription assistance and MHMR make it nearly impossible to navigate. Obtaining my medication is starting to seem not worth it. Are there resources for me in Austin, TX?

I will try to keep this brief and factual, but my emotions are out of control while in the throws of withdrawal. (FWIW, not an opiate, but similar withdrawal symptoms). Have barely slept in the last two nights.

Last year, I spent a week on a depression ward. After release, I got on the Travis County Medical Assistance Plan (MAP) and found a psychiatric team I liked. Unfortunately, they're in Round Rock, and I lost reliable transportation a few months ago. I missed a couple of appointments and my psychiatrist effectively fired me. I've been trying to find a new, more accessible doctor since, but waiting lists are long and require an appointment with a primary care doc for referral.

Last month, I went to Psychiatric Emergency Services who were able to give me a prescription with 2 refills. After getting a ride to my MAP-assigned pharmacy (based on provider, not residence) in Pflugerville, I was informed that MAP wouldn't cover it, I had to call the MHMR Prescription Assistance People. After a few hours, they called back, had sent it through MAP, and it was *finally* approved. Of course, this was after my ride had to be somewhere else. Was finally able to pick up the meds.

Fast forward to this month, and my phone's been disconnected, and I have to borrow a phone to call the pharmacy. Of course, MAP won't approve without me calling (and leaving a message for) the prescription assistance people *again*. The MAP people also mentioned something about "applying with the drug company" but wouldn't/couldn't give me further information. Friend with phone had to go to work before MHMR Prescription Assistance people called back.

I'm now waiting for another friend to show up who's offered me both her phone and a ride to the pharmacy.

For the last year, I've had to jump through hoops for every refill. Call here, call there, wait for callback, etc. My financial situation is pretty much in dire straits, and I've borrowed too much from too many people already. Without a phone, I can't make appointments, let alone jump through the hoops to get the medication, which I desperately need in order to have any chance of getting (or keeping) a job.

Phone situation may or may not be fixed in a week or so, but I'm so tired of dealing with the bureaucracy, part of my brain just wants to give up. It just doesn't seem worth it anymore.

So I guess my question is... is there any help for me? Some way, somebody who can make the phone calls, help with paperwork (I'm also considering applying for temporary disability), keep me on track with MAP card expiration dates, refills, etc? I'm so tired and out of it, I just don't know that I can deal with it all myself anymore.

They never called back. Their office is now closed. A call to the pharmacy confirmed that the prescription still has not been approved. The system has failed, and yet I'm the one feeling like a failure.

My friend is running around and making phone calls and Facebook posts looking for anyone with the same meds. I'm considering giving up or returning to the hospital.

There has to be some sort of advocacy group, or *something* out there that can help me with this right? throwaway email:
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I haven't been in Austin for a few years now, so don't have the absolute most current information. There are a few spots I can think of to try to get more help with coordination of your care.

Here is a link to a brochure for resources nearer to you.

From those resources a couple of things jumped out. Lifeworks is a great organization, with really wonderful people. They might be able to help with case coordination:

Lifeworks (teen and adult counseling)
Lifeworks Mainline: 512-441-8336

People’s Community Clinic: 512-478-4939 provides sliding scale medical help and may be able to coordinate medication

The following spots may be able to help with access to medication

FutureSearch Medication Trials and Clinic

Needy Meds

I'd also recommend contacting NAMI who can help find more local resources.

I know it's frustrating, mental health services are terribly underfunded in the US as a whole, and in Texas in particular. You are not failing, the system is. Please do keep trying and keep relying on friends for help. You are doing the best thing for yourself and I have faith it can get better.
posted by goggie at 4:20 PM on June 20, 2011 [3 favorites]

The MAP people also mentioned something about "applying with the drug company" but wouldn't/couldn't give me further information.

Go to the NeedyMeds web site and look up your drug(s). You will find information on the drug companies' medication assistance programs. Each company has its own program but NeedyMeds is a central source for the information.

If you are low-income, you can probably qualify for a free cell phone with service and monthly airtime through SafeLink. They do provide service in Texas.

Hang in there.
posted by shiny blue object at 4:48 PM on June 20, 2011 [1 favorite]

Also, if you are feeling unsafe, absolutely go to the hospital.
posted by goggie at 4:49 PM on June 20, 2011

I wasn't sure from your question if you're getting psychotherapy, but you need it in addition to the meds. Obviously, you have the priority of getting your meds sorted out and that's all the more difficult with your phone/transportation problems, but you will hopefully get it sorted out soon. Please be sure to see a therapist who provides talk/counseling therapy in the longer term -- in association with your meds. This person should be your advocate and help break down the stress of the medication and appt process for you.

And yes, definitely go back to the hospital should you not feel safe.
posted by sweetkid at 4:53 PM on June 20, 2011

NAMI suggests calling these people, who (since you can't phone right now) also have an email address: Calling is probably going to get you help a lot sooner - and you can call 24/7. Since you're in withdrawal, I believe the word "crisis" applies.
posted by SMPA at 4:56 PM on June 20, 2011

(you can also take the bus there)
posted by SMPA at 4:57 PM on June 20, 2011

SMPA, you are on the right track, but unfortunately those are the Psychiatric Emergency Services the OP mentioned they'd accessed before. They are a great resource for immediate, but short-term intervention. Yes, if this is a crisis, you should contact them again, but identifying someone who can help manage all these pieces will be important in the longer term.
posted by goggie at 5:22 PM on June 20, 2011 [1 favorite]

Mod note: From the OP:
Getting the run-around this morning. Prescription Assistance people say that they've pushed through MAP and my old psychiatrist(!?!) a prescription for me. Called the pharmacy, they have no record of this. Luckily, my phone provider still allows texts while disconnected, so *if* it comes through, I'lll get a text from the pharmacy saying so.

Happened upon a mental health conversation at the coffee shop. Was able to get a handful of my medication from someone who seems to get it in bulk, cheap.

Am going to wait till the bureaucratic offices close today, and if I haven't heard anything, I'll be taking a dose and sleeping. And then will try again to deal with it tomorrow on borrowed phones and transportation, but with sleep and some mental where-withal.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll be calling LifeWorks and some of the other programs that might help with case management as soon as I have my phone back.

Any other suggestions are extremely welcome, and I'll keep the throw-away email for a while in case anyone would like to keep private.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 9:59 AM on June 21, 2011

Thank you for updating, OP. Hang in there.
posted by goggie at 8:57 AM on June 22, 2011

Mod note: From the OP:
Thank you all for your kind words and concern. It has been more help than you know these last few days.

A few hours after leaving a rather angry, probably semi-psychotic-sounding message at the MHMR Prescription Assistance place, I got a text from my pharmacy saying the prescription was "not yet ready for pick-up". Not 5 minutes later, I got another one saying it was ready. I called them and they confirmed the "insurance" [maybe someday, I'll be able to type that without the sarcasm-quotes] had gone through, copay price confirmed.

A ride is easily/pretty much has been arranged, if not tonight, then tomorrow morning/afternoon. I have enough of the medication [from a friend] to last me a couple more nights anyway.

I know my correspondence/posts have been rather shaky and somewhat disjointed and I apologize if anything was confusing. Lack of sleep alone will do that to a person. I spent last night at a friend's place, across town, to give me a break from my usual routine and my live-in boyfriend's coding-jihad. Nerds, gotta love 'em. I've been trying to take it easy on him because it's the first paying-gig he's gotten in nearly a year. Unfortunately, the over-all stress of poverty (on top of the medication-stress) was causing me to be defensive and argumentative, and a break was needed. I returned home this afternoon, and our relationship is as strong as ever. He even took a break at some point while I was gone to clean!?

I know that soon, things are going to look better, if only because he has a paying gig now, and my mother has a plan to give me her car in the next month. [Long story, and I'm already rambling] She's also offered to pay my phone bill after she gets paid Friday. I would argue, but she'd ignore me.

I've been questioning myself these last few days as to my reasoning behind posting Anonymously. It's not to hide my mental illness; that's been admitted openly all over the site. I think, mainly, I was ashamed to have gotten myself into this situation, to have tried, and failed to get myself help and start healing/recovering. This morning, I found myself looking back over the Bill Zeller thread, and perhaps sadly, it helped me realize just how silly that reasoning was.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 5:37 PM on June 23, 2011

So glad things are starting to look at least less insurmountable, if not even better. I've really been thinking about you a lot over the last couple of days and it's wonderful to hear that you have good support around you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Like I said before, this is a system failure, not yours. You've gone over and above to do the things you need to to get better. Keep fighting the good fight, and feel free to MeMail anytime.
posted by goggie at 6:31 PM on June 23, 2011

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