Some Austin exposure
June 8, 2011 2:42 PM   Subscribe

What are some restaurants, coffee shops, bars etc. in Austin, TX that would welcome a solo acoustic act?
posted by ReWayne to Media & Arts (9 answers total)
Are you looking for a paying job? I would imagine a bunch of place might welcome free enetertainment.
posted by murrey at 3:02 PM on June 8, 2011

I see a solo guitarist and a solo harpist in Mother's a lot.
posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 3:05 PM on June 8, 2011

All of them? Seriously, though, we can probably be more helpful with some more specifics. Are you just starting out, or do you have an established audience at all? Are you talking about a one-off gig or a residency? Are you planning on coming through on tour? Do you need a guarantee or is playing for tips going to work?

("All of them" may end up being the answer regardless...)
posted by restless_nomad at 3:07 PM on June 8, 2011

Flightpath, JPs Java: unlikely. laptop land.

Medici on Guadalupe, Thunderbird, Cherrywood Coffeehouse, Hole in the Wall: people play there semi-regularly. Ask the owners about booking.

Spiderhouse: has shows constantly, has a separated venue next door for live music and sometimes people just play the patio.

Those are just little places near UT that I know of that would be decent candidates. There are other small bars in town that have sporadic live music, but if you're asking here they're probably not the kind of places you could get booked at.
posted by slow graffiti at 3:52 PM on June 8, 2011 [1 favorite]

Cactus Cafe on UT Campus used to always do open mic nights on Sunday that was chiefly solo acoustic. But that was years ago and before the ownership/management change. But I know a couple of locally known acts who play regular gigs around town started out that way.
posted by oneaday at 4:55 PM on June 8, 2011

(sorry: Monday, not sunday)
posted by oneaday at 4:55 PM on June 8, 2011

Shady Grove?
posted by tamitang at 7:06 PM on June 8, 2011

You could go out into the countryside and refine the voice.
posted by ovvl at 7:24 PM on June 8, 2011

If you're looking for an open mic, I know Opa on South Lamar near Oltorf has one.
posted by immlass at 9:11 PM on June 8, 2011

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