Weird question but earnest!
May 3, 2011 3:43 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know what lobbying firm Whole Foods employs?

I have found several articles on this topic during their FTC fight but was wondering what specific firm represents them now since that was a couple of years ago. Thanks!
posted by timpanogos to Grab Bag (3 answers total)
Landis PR
posted by Foci for Analysis at 3:46 PM on May 3, 2011 has this record from 2010:
Whole Foods Market
Constantine Cannon

posted by zippy at 3:47 PM on May 3, 2011

On's search enter client: whole foods. The results cover at least 2008 - 2010.
posted by zippy at 3:52 PM on May 3, 2011

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