How do I to get my iBook not to stink?
May 2, 2005 5:41 PM   Subscribe

StinkBookFilter: (Finally) got my work iBook (used) from my boss. and i love the specs, but hate the do i defunkify it?

it kinda smells like armpits, i assume its from the oils from the last persons hands. will putting a dryer sheet in between the keyboard and screen work without getting weird stuff on the screen. any advice/recommendations?
posted by ShawnString to Computers & Internet (9 answers total)
This website sells replacement keyboards, which is a start. I can't imagine someone's fingers smell THAT bad (and if they do....shudder....)

Or.... eBay and trade up?
posted by sdrawkcab at 5:49 PM on May 2, 2005

I've never understood by what mechanism it happens, but in my years as an Apple repairperson I came across a number of powerbooks that smelled bad. One in particular smelled of shit so badly that my boss made me store it in a plastic bag while it was in our shop. The owners never seemed to smell themselves. I've always wondered what it was myself. In the case of the worst smelling 'book the odd thing was that even the logic board and the other guts of the thing had that smell. Maybe it was cigars? Who knows.

But more to the point. Powerbook (and iBook) keyboards can be dismantled. If you are careful you can pop off all the key caps (I find that gently lifting from one of the top corners works best.) Be careful, though, because they will break if you mess up and then you'll have to find replacements somehow.

Once you pull them off you will have a better ability to clean underneath. You could also soak the caps themselves and wash them in warm soapy water. I've readied powerbooks for sale this way and it gives the keyboard a very fresh feel and look.
posted by n9 at 6:36 PM on May 2, 2005

Response by poster: thats something to look forward to... (i just became a full time mac service tech)
posted by ShawnString at 6:45 PM on May 2, 2005

I have a friend who is a Mac tech and I thought she was kidding when she told me about the iBook keyboard smell but I googled around and it's a real problem with (i think) the last generation's keyboards. The current G4 line doesn't have the problem.
posted by bondcliff at 10:16 AM on May 3, 2005

Wasn't there a problem a few years ago where some hardware makers were using cheap capacitors or something that emitted a powerful stench (I'm remembering rotten fish)?
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 10:56 AM on May 3, 2005

You might try some old de-smeller standby's, modified to your situation. Try this, put a dish of vinegar and your laptop side by side in a cardboard box and let sit overnight. If you have kids or cats you will *have* to secure the area. The vapors from the vinegar should neutralize the smell without damaging the laptop. Remeber though, vinegar is acidic.
posted by kc0dxh at 11:00 AM on May 3, 2005

Try this:

First, shut it down and make sure it's completely room temp - these things get hot!

Next, get a fresh dryer sheet - open the laptop and place the sheet on the keyboard. Gently close the lid and leave it over night.

Remove it the next day - should smell much better. You may need to gently clean the screen, also, but that's another question!
posted by cptnrandy at 11:13 AM on May 3, 2005

Okay now I'm getting looks in the library because I just spent minutes picking up my lap top and smelling it from various angles. I don't think it stinks, but I'm totally going to ask somebody just in case.

I would put something between the dryer sheet and the screen, though. The screen on my power book closes directly on the keyboard (I have that lovely keyboard ghost pattern on it) and the wax from the dryer sheet could smear up your screen pretty good.
posted by jennyb at 3:11 PM on May 3, 2005

It's the keyboard. Here's a big discussion about the problem. I haven't read the whole thread, but t seems there's not much you can do but replace the keyboard, though one person said "I bought iKlean, cleaned the keyboard (inside and under) and also got an iSkin and put it over the keyboard. I haven't smelt the funky odor since (only did this 1 week ago)".

(Troublesome, but at least you no longer have to worry that it's some kind of icky human-smell!)
posted by taz at 10:33 PM on May 3, 2005

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