What is this German book?
April 1, 2011 3:36 AM   Subscribe

German Book Filter. What book did I read? Involves yellow shoes...

All I can remember is that it is early 20th Century (I believe) it involves a rich (woman?) who comes to a desolate town in Germany and gives the residents money. People start buying brand new yellow shoes. The point is to turn them against a man who (spurned?) the lady in her past.
posted by quaisi to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Best answer: friedrich dürrenmatt, der besuch der alten dame
posted by londongeezer at 4:08 AM on April 1, 2011 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Wow. Thank you so much!
posted by quaisi at 4:32 AM on April 1, 2011

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