Brokeback iPhone
March 25, 2011 5:37 PM   Subscribe

Has anyone replaced the glass back on their iPhone 4 with something less breakable? If so how did you select the kit, and what tips would you have for those who follow. The back on my phone was broken in a recent incident and I'm looking to fix it. I've seen several kits online for metal and other options, but the online reviews leave me concerned about getting a good part and finding a reputable supplier. Is there some equivalent to the case molding community for iPhones and related gadgets?
posted by humanfont to Technology (5 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
if you go on Facebook and search for iArmor, you will find the company I dealt with.

I learned about the process here. All in all, it is really, really easy to do, especially if you have an older iPhone 4 with the Phillips head screws. Otherwise, you might want to consider the iPhone 4 Liberation Kit.
posted by 4ster at 5:46 PM on March 25, 2011

I did one of the metal backs with a kit from It took a little while to get the kit (came from China) but it fits perfectly.The original back was super easy to replace. I like the way it looks and I kept the original back in case I ever need to switch back.
posted by tayknight at 7:10 PM on March 25, 2011

Best answer: I replaced my back with a white OEM back I got for a good price. The entire procedure took less than five minutes.

The 'manuals' you can access from are pretty articulate. They really walk you step by step through the procedure.

I may be a bit techier than most, but I followed them with zero problems.
posted by Sphinx at 1:11 AM on March 26, 2011

I haven't done this but I am waiting on pins and needles for this new case to come out. They say April: Lifeproof
posted by Salamandrous at 6:36 AM on March 26, 2011

Response by poster: I ordered the metallic back noted above via Amazon and used the instructions on ifixit. So far so good. The part wasn't real metal though it was plastic. Also signal seems better.
posted by humanfont at 5:00 PM on March 28, 2011

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