Contacting retailers and restaurants
February 21, 2011 7:28 AM   Subscribe

How to contact large and small retailers and chain restaurants to open in Puerto Rico?

I'm currently working with a marketing and real estate team to "sell and advertise" a multi-use building that is now finished. We are doing great in apartment sales and have over 90 residents. Also we have rented out 50,000sqf for a local supermarket chain to open, but we still have about 70,000sqf more to fill in commercial space.

It has become clear that the local puertorican economy is in trouble so I suggested to the team to market outside the island. Since this is a new "field" for me, I would like to ask if any of you have input on contacting US and international retailers and restaurant chains. Or how to market this sort of business in the states and internationally.

posted by octomato to Work & Money (2 answers total)
Best answer: Most chains are franchises--can you connect with the local Small Business Administration office to find out about franchisee information? Try your Congressional reps office, too. Just contacting companies to say "c'mon down" isn't going to be very productive.
What about local business writers? Are there tax breaks for investing in PR businesses? I'd put together a bullet-point sheet pointing out the advantages of doing business in Puerto Rico. Testimonials from happy owners/operators, etc.
posted by Ideefixe at 11:43 AM on February 21, 2011

Best answer: There are particular conventions used when developers or property managers in the US solicit leases in strip malls.

These folks have some well-done versions of the standard handouts in the "Click here" links; you will need to make a brochure (either print or web-based) following more or less that format (including the specifics of the spaces available, the other businesses already in place, and the local demographic information) and then send it with a cover letter (either print or email) to local and national multi-location businesses that you think might open a store there.

Sending the same brochure with a cover letter to various franchise consulting businesses/franchise brokers might also be a way to get the message out. There are a bazillion of them, as you will find from Googling, and I don't have any information about who is legit and who is not. I have interviewed the head of the iFranchise Group, and they seemed to be quite solid, but other than that I have no leads.

Entrepreneur and Franchise Business Review are the two leading franchise-industry publications; looking through them may be helpful.
posted by Sidhedevil at 12:10 PM on February 21, 2011

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