Whats the name of the thing at old school diners where the order slips are punctured with the spindle thing?
January 21, 2011 11:49 AM   Subscribe

Whats the name of the thing at old school diners where the order slips are punctured with the spindle thing?

You know, where there are a lot of order slips punctured thru?

Extra credit: also the revolving rack where they are clipped up like a clothesline.

Is there a technical term for these?

(Lookin for stock photos. Thanks)
posted by Senor Cardgage to Work & Money (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
posted by mr_roboto at 11:50 AM on January 21, 2011

Receipt spindle.
Order wheel.
posted by Judith Butlerian Jihad at 11:50 AM on January 21, 2011

Receipt spike/spindle.
Order wheel.
posted by phunniemee at 11:51 AM on January 21, 2011

Man, mefighters are fast. So what're the ones in Hooters called, where it's a zip line that they shoot the orders into the kitchen?
posted by Grither at 11:54 AM on January 21, 2011

Oddly enough, I worked at a restaurant back in the late 70s/early 80s that didn't have an order wheel but the cook who received the orders from the servers was still called "The Wheel".
posted by tommasz at 11:56 AM on January 21, 2011

Response by poster: Ha thanks guys!
posted by Senor Cardgage at 11:56 AM on January 21, 2011

Technically spindle, but "stabby thing" was used a lot where I worked.
posted by Metroid Baby at 12:02 PM on January 21, 2011

Spike; dupe wheel (short for duplicate, the old school carbon copy system where one got spiked for the expeditor or the cooks and the other one went to another station or was filed (ie., tossed in an empty tub) for counting covers and inventory purposes
posted by thinkpiece at 12:06 PM on January 21, 2011

It's called a spindle. As in, "Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate."
posted by axiom at 12:12 PM on January 21, 2011 [4 favorites]

I've always heard it called a "memo spike" or "memo spindle"
posted by dr. moot at 4:46 PM on January 21, 2011

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