What's a good book on practical self-hypnosis?
January 13, 2011 4:13 PM   Subscribe

What's a good book on practical self-hypnosis for anxiety?

In regard to my anxiety issues, my doctor suggested I check out some books on self-hypnosis, rather than going on medication for it (which is something neither of us really want to do.)

He told me to avoid woo-y "This Will Fix Everything!" books that purport to make you rich and beautiful via self-hypnosis, and rather look for something practical that has techniques specifically for anxiety. Books containing more than that, he said, aren't trustworthy for what I need.

Unfortunately, the signal-to-noise ratio on Amazon is absolutely ridiculous, even considering the reviews. And even if there are good books, they're probably clothed in FIX YOUR LIFE QUICK language just to compete in the market. I'm lost. My doctor has some books, but they're clinical and he suggested I'd do better with the lay stuff

So, what's a good self-hypnosis book that is strictly for anxiety?
posted by griphus to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
For various definitions of hypnosis, I'd suggest Richard Bandler's "Using Your Brain -- For a Change".
posted by nonliteral at 4:31 PM on January 13, 2011

Must it be hypnosis? Because Claire Weekes's Hope and Help for Your Nerves is an amazing book that changed my life. I used to have panic attacks. This book was recommended to me by a therapist. This was 30 (!) years ago. I can honestly say that I never had a panic attack again. The book teaches you how to reinterpret the experience as something benign. I don't know if would work if you are more of a worry person than a panic person.
posted by Wordwoman at 5:10 PM on January 13, 2011 [1 favorite]

It's not a book, but I swear by the audio recordings of Mary and Richard Maddux. Here's a specific course on anxiety; they also have an iPhone app that includes about three dozen different programs.
posted by jbickers at 6:02 PM on January 13, 2011

I'm taking a class in mindfulness and guided imagery that is designed to hel medical students manage anxiety. As resources, my professor recommends books by Martin L. Rossman, MD, including Guided Imagery for Self-Healing: An Essential Resource for Anyone Seeking Wellness.
posted by abirae at 6:19 PM on January 13, 2011

Alman and Lambrou's is pretty good. It's been a while since I read it, but I believe that it has some material on anxiety.

Bandler is always entertaining but I don't think he's a good choice here.

I'm also going to suggest that specific techniques for anxiety might be less helpful than simply taking a little time to relax a few times a day. You can read about the Betty Erickson technique for self hypnosis here and here, for free and few books if any will have anything more helpful to say.
posted by BigSky at 7:18 PM on January 13, 2011

While not self-hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique has been found to help in regards to anxiety/worry. I find it helps in all emotional issues.

This stuff really works!
posted by Takeyourtime at 10:20 AM on January 14, 2011

Steven Gurgevich is a pretty respected practitioner and sells a cd-and-pamphlet which is just for anxiety. You can listen to a smidge of his voice ">here to see how you feel about it. (I quit smoking with a Steven Gurgevich cd set myself.)

You might also get some use out of this book, which is designed for therapists but which you can easily use yourself.

And Dr. Martin Rossman has a new book called "The Worry Solution." Rossman calls his work guided imagery rather than hypnosis, but basically it's the same thing.

Good luck!
posted by hungrytiger at 5:03 PM on July 1, 2011

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