What's a good fisheye lens for a flip ultra or mino camera?
November 13, 2010 5:58 AM   Subscribe

What's a good fisheye lens for a flip ultra or mino camera?

I'm going to buy a Flip handheld camcorder this week, either the Ultra HD or the Flip Mino 2nd Generation and I was wondering what's a good fisheye lens to attach?

I've seen a few video suggesting this lens(the fe-12).

However everyone that's bought one has had a Kodak handheld, such as the guy in this video

In that video description the guy says he sees no reason why it wouldn't fit on a flip handheld but I just want to be sure!

The other lens is the Bower Super Wide .38x Lens which can be seen in this video however I can't find that for sale anywhere, whereas the one before is in stock to order today.

posted by rinsemedown to Technology (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
If you're crafty, you could DIY one.

DIY fugly fisheye lens
posted by starvingartist at 7:32 AM on November 13, 2010

Beware Flip. I've spent the last 8 months trying to get their customer service to replace a defective unit. There's a widespread problem with battery connectors in the Ultra HD. Suggest alternative manufacturers with built-in stablilisers, such as Sony or Kodak.
posted by davemee at 8:12 AM on November 13, 2010

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