Was Amy Poehler in a Wendy's ad?
October 27, 2010 8:45 AM   Subscribe

Was Amy Poehler in a Wendy's ad?

I think I remember seeing a Wendy's commercial years ago and thinking, "Hey, it's that girl from the Upright Citizens Brigade." I recently realized that Amy Poehler was the girl in Upright Citizens Brigade. Has anyone else seen this ad, or did I imagine the whole thing? I didn't find anything on Google.
posted by bugloaf to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This site seems to have an extensive list of ads, plus video clips and a credits database. Amy Poehler's credits page there does not include Wendy's; perhaps their Wendy's page will be of help.

this answer brought to you by the Bored and Browsing Unanswered Questions Brigade
posted by booksherpa at 7:05 PM on October 30, 2010

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