Where can we work on our beautiful game?
October 6, 2010 2:21 PM   Subscribe

Does anybody know of a good field in the East Bay for (indoor) soccer practice?

My women's indoor soccer team wants to practice somewhere in the East Bay one evening a week, but we're having a hard time finding a location with enough lighting so that we can practice in the evenings. I guess locations in Oakland/Alameda/Emeryville/Berkeley would be best. I know timing is bad with the waning sunlight and the youth leagues, but I figured MeFites could help. We might be able to pay a little for a location too, though our budget is limited.
posted by kendrak to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total)
Good fields book up ages in advance. My outdoor team had to pull out all the tricks to get a slot in Oakland at a field with lights (we started looking in the spring and finally settled it at the end of August). With that said, there are places you can get a patch of grass with lights on some nights. Try Bushrod, San Pablo Park, Mosswood (any night but Tuesdays; it's already in use Tuesdays). You'll just have to go by trial and error. Maybe even the Gilman turf facility, even though they say no one is allowed without a permit. Also, doesn't the Bladium allow you to pay for a time slot? Call them up (if you don't play there already, it is an indoor sports facility in Alameda).

If you are willing/able to go early in the evening, with natural light, try Cedar Rose Park in Berkeley, or maybe the Berkeley HS field at Derby and MLK.

If you are interested in a paid share situation Wednesday nights in Oakland from 8-9pm, memail me. I might be able to help. I know one hour isn't great, but we have to share for the first hour of our practice already, so there's no room for another team. It's at a lighted, turf field.
posted by JenMarie at 5:24 PM on October 6, 2010

The Bladium in Alameda has a couple of indoor fields, I have some friends who play there.
posted by ryaninoakland at 11:19 PM on October 6, 2010

Response by poster: We play at Bladium. I don't think they rent out field time in the evenings since it would conflict with the various leagues. I could ask though.

JenMarie, I'll talk to my team and may be in touch. Thanks!
posted by kendrak at 2:17 PM on October 7, 2010

Actually, a men's team contacted my coach about the spot this morning, so it may be gone. But feel free to memail me in case your team is interested; there's a chance the deal with the men's team won't happen.
posted by JenMarie at 2:45 PM on October 7, 2010

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