Who was that Big Thinker?
October 5, 2010 11:56 AM   Subscribe

On the old TechTV there was a show called Big Thinkers. I never got a chance to see that show as much as I wanted, but I remember one episode I'm trying to find. That episode's Big Thinker went to a kitchen supply store (maybe a hardware store) and analyzed a trigger operated lighter commonly used today. He was comparing it to the match, saying that the match is by far inferior except for one thing: Ritual. Anyone know who the Big Thinker was?
posted by unceman to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Well, here's the list of people who were on that show. You could probably play a little game of "Guess Who?" and take out the ones who were female, British/non-British, covered in dreads/not covered in dreads, etc.

Wild guess, because of his work with social and organizational theory: Alvin Toffler?
posted by Madamina at 12:07 PM on October 5, 2010

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