VPNing Pandora whilst watching iPlayer
October 1, 2010 1:27 PM   Subscribe

Two part question. Would like to access US only websites from the UK (like Pandora) through a VPN service (currently using HotSpot Shield, don't like the ad's). Would also like to use VPN service whilst still being able to access UK only websites like iPlayer at the same time (in another browser or tab). Willing to pay.
posted by nam3d to Computers & Internet (4 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Have a look at the FoxyProxy extension for Firefox which will use a different proxy based on a set of URL rules...

In terms of helping with the proxies themselves, I'm afraid I'm out...
posted by benzo8 at 1:45 PM on October 1, 2010

Have you considered proxpn? I have used it for few months but the free version which can be slow but I have been able to get hulu working. You can go to the site here is a link which you may use my referral Link here.
posted by london302 at 3:52 PM on October 1, 2010

Best answer: In terms of helping with the proxies themselves, I'm afraid I'm out...

FoxyProxy hooks up with a number of paid proxy services that aren't really VPNs but which tend to do the job if what you need is to get past geographical IP restrictions in a browser.
posted by holgate at 7:00 PM on October 1, 2010

Most browsers let you bypass the proxy for domains/IPs. For uk sites, simply add .co.uk to the "no proxy" list (ff specific)

Plenty of paid proxy services around - wonderproxy, madvpn, proxybonanza, hidemyass,...

You can set up a cheap linux vps and run your own proxy (squid) starting at about $20/month but the services above will be cheaper.
posted by w.fugawe at 12:40 AM on October 2, 2010

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