Any fashionable plus size shops for women in New York?
March 17, 2005 9:49 AM   Subscribe

I'm coming to New York in August and want to take advantage of the dollar to top up my wardrobe, however my googleing for shops for the larger lady have not been fruitful. Can any ladies in NY give me any pointers?

To give you some idea of the kind of thing I'm after, the only place I can shop at in the UK is at Evans and they are a bit hit and miss in the fashionable stakes. I'm only 31 and don't want anything fuddy duddy but something with a modern twist. Hope someone can help!
posted by floanna to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You know of Lane Bryant, of course. And Loehmann's has plus size designer stuff at deep discounts, and all the department stores have plus size departments.
posted by amberglow at 10:43 AM on March 17, 2005

there were some suggestions round here.
posted by andrew cooke at 10:44 AM on March 17, 2005

loehmann's site
posted by amberglow at 10:45 AM on March 17, 2005

I just returned from Manhattan and am still in shock over the prices in NYC. Everything from a tube of toothpaste to a dinner at the Carnegie Deli to clothes at the large stores (let alone the boutiques) was at least 50%-75% higher than in Canada. Many of the larger stores have a presence in Montreal, and I plan to try my hand at topping up my wardrobe in the city that raised me, instead.

Sorry I can't be of help with specifics - but man oh man is NYC ever expensive in every way.

Floanna - a flight from NYC to Montreal is only about an hour ;)
posted by seawallrunner at 10:46 AM on March 17, 2005

there's a not-cheap but very nice store on 40th between 5th & 6th (off bryant park) called soho woman.
posted by judith at 11:32 AM on March 17, 2005

The H&M near Madison Square Garden--across from the northest corner, Seventh and 33d, I think--has a number of plus-sized clothes for fairly little. You can also try Mo Mo Fa Lana (Ave. A at 3d), which I hear is expensive but awesome.
posted by dame at 11:32 AM on March 17, 2005

Response by poster: amberglow - thanks, it looks like Lane Bryant may be ok for a few bits having looked at their site. Think I may stock up on some of the funky coloured bras and PJ's. Wasn't overkeen on Loehmanns tho.

seawallrunner - I'm from London and so am used to the high prices unfortunately! I'm guessing that I'll probably end up spending about the same as I would here really judging by the prices on some of the sites. Would love a trip to Montreal but I'm heading to Burning Man after NY :) Have planned my trip the wrong way round really if I'm planning on stocking up!

judith and dame - thanks, I was looking for some more boutiquey places I think so I'll check them out when I'm there.

And thanks to andrew cooke for chipping in for the boys!
posted by floanna at 3:23 PM on March 17, 2005

It may not be too helpful, but if you're ever in Chicago, you could check out Vive La Femme.
posted by sugarfish at 8:46 PM on March 17, 2005

I'll chime in about prices - I live in London and went to NYC when it was 0 degrees F in Central Park, and the exchange rate was 1.9 dollars to the pound (as it is now). It was too cold to walk around, so museums and shopping were the things to do... and it seemed very cheap indeed!
posted by altolinguistic at 2:16 AM on March 18, 2005

Lord and Taylor's (38th and 5th ave) has a very extensive woman's floor up on 9 or so. Not the cheapest, but some of their stuff is very good quality and there's a lot of choice.
posted by CunningLinguist at 5:41 AM on March 18, 2005

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