Is my old itrip destined for the scrapheap (or freecycle)?
August 8, 2010 4:57 PM   Subscribe

I've just got a shiny new iphone 4, but I'm having trouble making it work with my old itrip.

My itrip is one of those that connects to the cigarette lighter to charge as well as doing the fm transmitter thing. It's about 2 yars old, and it works perfectly well with my very old ipod.

But when I connect the iphone 4, it tells me (a) that it's not "optimised" for use with this device, and (b) that it's not charging. Despite the warning, it does play music just fine, but I need it to charge as well.

Do I just need to bite the bullet and get a new itrip? Is there some setting on the iphone that I need to change? Or is there another solution?

(Part 2)

If I do need a new itrip, I could get one with a cradle that would mean I could use my iphone as a sat nav as well - but are the sat nav apps good enough? (I'm based in the UK and most of my driving is in and around London, if that makes a difference).

posted by finding.perdita to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: The older iPod accessories used the pinout for FireWire-based iPods. Trouble is Apple retired that and the past few iPhones and iPod generations don't support that.

So you need to either a) get a new iTrip or b) work with this kludge.
posted by birdherder at 5:26 PM on August 8, 2010

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