I need a wave machine stat!
July 7, 2010 10:26 AM   Subscribe

I need a wave machine stat!

I'm working on an art project pertaining to BP spill for an upcoming art show, and I'm looking for one of those novelty tranquil wave machines like this:


I've searched far and wide, but they're all out of stock, including the newer, horridly designed models. Can't find them on e-bay either.

So any idea where I can get one within a month, or even better if any of you mefities are willing to part with one.
posted by pakoothefakoo to Shopping (2 answers total)
I can't help you with where to locate one, but if you're truly desperate, in a month's time you (or someone handy you know) could recreate it pretty easily, even if it means caulking the acrylic together yourself.

Even better, this site sells acrylic boxes in 16"x6"x2".

Then just oil + water + food coloring!

As for the base, mount it on a pivoting base, and if you make it interactive you're done! If it must be automatic, I think an oscillating motor should do it... like this one from American Science and Surplus or this one for a fan. Someone with some electronics know-how could probably recommend something better.

I guess basically what I'm saying is you could probably pay some bored engineer to do it in plenty of time. Good luck!
posted by ista at 4:29 PM on July 7, 2010

Have you checked your local malls for a Spencer Gifts? This kinda thing is right up their alley.

But as ista says, you could probably build one from scratch without too much trouble.
posted by xedrik at 4:34 PM on July 7, 2010

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