rentals, short-term, for Tel Aviv, Israel
July 5, 2010 8:39 AM   Subscribe

short-term rental advice for Tel Aviv

My son will be moving to Tel Aviv very soon. He will check into a hostel for a short while but needs advice on finding relatively inexpensive place(s) to stay till October of this year. Any suggestions on finding short-term rentals? Ps: he can speak some Hebrew.
posted by Postroad to Travel & Transportation around Tel Aviv, Israel (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Sometimes Couchsurfing has rental-specific discussion forums. Especially good for short-term accomodation.
posted by mammary16 at 8:52 AM on July 5, 2010

Hi, Forums will be your best bet - one is Flathunting the other is Taanglo - both on Yahoogroups.

Good luck!
posted by watercarrier at 9:01 AM on July 5, 2010

If he can read Hebrew well enough, try this. I think it's the most common site for apartment shares and rentals in Israel.
posted by thegreatfleecircus at 9:25 AM on July 5, 2010

seconding - I sat down one day with a dictionary and managed to find exactly what I was looking for.
posted by chromatist at 6:56 PM on July 5, 2010

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