Average face online quizz
March 3, 2005 7:44 AM   Subscribe

Where can I find the online test where, presented with two faces, you would choose the most beautiful to you, and in the be presented with YOUR favorite face ?

I remember doing this test some time ago, and Googling brougt me the site beautycheck, which seems to contain the results of the study this application was used for. The pictures really look like the ones that were presented to me when I did the test.
Do you know if the application is still online ?
posted by XiBe to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Match.com used to have a Physical Attraction Test.
posted by glibhamdreck at 8:21 AM on March 3, 2005

Best answer: I remember those faces being used in the BBC Face Perception survey. (Here's a related survey with about 4 pages of preliminary questions before getting to the faces.)

I remember them being used in the Match.com Physical Attraction Test, too. It used to be at http://attraction.match.com but the shortcut doesn't seem to be working at the moment/anymore. (Maybe it's accessible from somewhere within the site if you have an account and are logged in?)
posted by Lush at 9:43 AM on March 3, 2005

I think you'll need to register, but here's the start page.
posted by icontemplate at 1:13 PM on March 3, 2005

Goddamn it, I went through all that registration crap and still couldn't figure out how to take the test.
posted by grouse at 2:51 PM on March 3, 2005

Response by poster: Match.com looks like it, I'd have to take a deeper look to be sure. Don't remember you were supposed to be logged-on... Mmmh. Maybe they just bought the rights to the original test...
posted by XiBe at 7:39 AM on March 4, 2005

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