Help me hack my wardrobe
June 7, 2010 1:58 AM   Subscribe

How do I convert a skirt into shorts?

I have a fairly simple straight skirt that is too big for me, which I think would make some pretty cool shorts. Is there a way to do this easily, or should I just rip the seams open, pretend it's regular fabric, and use a standard shorts pattern?
posted by Eumachia L F to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total)
Shorts use more fabric than a straight skirt, so you might not have enough unless the skirt is very large. I'd suggest laying a standard shorts pattern over the skirt to check whether the the pieces fit. If they do, you could line them up along the side seams and keep the original waistband as it is.
posted by embrangled at 2:34 AM on June 7, 2010

Alternatively if the skirt is longer than you want your shorts to be, you could treat it as regular fabric and offset the pieces along the length of the skirt. This might be a solution if you find the skirt isn't wide enough for the fabric to go between your legs.
posted by embrangled at 2:37 AM on June 7, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks for the info. I'll probably have to rip it apart and go from there. Cheers!
posted by Eumachia L F at 1:30 PM on June 7, 2010

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