How can hon-handy types get a TV installed in Boston?
May 29, 2010 12:11 PM   Subscribe

How do embarrassingly non-handy people in Boston buy a flat screen HD TV and affix it to the wall?

I can't seem to find a non-BestBuy solution to the TV problem. For years we went to Tweeter and bought (overpriced, I know) electronic equipment -- after which they would send a responsible adult to our house who would then answer all our stupid questions and make sure everything worked.

For a few months my husband has been nagging me to buy an HD flatscreen TV -- but I'm remarkably clueless where to go. BestBuy is the local option, but I've been told their installer-type guys are terrible (by people who seem to do all this themselves). What is the obvious answer I am missing here?
posted by mozhet to Shopping (2 answers total)
Best answer: Kudzu usually works for me. If you search for "TV Installation," "Home Theatre," "Home Entertainment," and the like, I'd expect that you would find plenty of solidly-recommended service providers.
posted by halfguard at 1:33 PM on May 29, 2010

Also, has great deals on flat-screen TVs and they deliver free of charge.
posted by halfguard at 1:34 PM on May 29, 2010

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