Hoping for another Askmefi Mystery Machine Victory
May 22, 2010 11:49 PM   Subscribe

Anyone know what city this is?

Sorry for such a small picture. I'm hoping the isolated big building, with another big building on the horizon, might tip someone off.

It's from the Myspace page of Prefuse 73. I've emailed him himself to ask, but I think he's a little too big now to have time to answer fan mail.
posted by mreleganza to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
Best answer: That's Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, a Cuban novelist who writes a lot about Havana, so I'm guessing it's that city.
posted by gubo at 12:06 AM on May 23, 2010

Best answer: Here is a larger version of that photo. It's currently in use as a Facebook profile picture in some capacity.
posted by setanor at 1:09 AM on May 23, 2010

Best answer: Yup, it's the Havana skyline.

Look here.

Prefuse 73's mother is part Cuban.
posted by ageispolis at 1:13 AM on May 23, 2010

Best answer: Yeah, that taller building is the Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras [1], [2].
posted by gubo at 6:56 AM on May 23, 2010

Response by poster: You guys have done it again. Thanks much.
posted by mreleganza at 11:52 AM on May 23, 2010

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