Apple II's/Mac's and unusual accessories. Collectors or those in the know: Recycle or internet gold?
May 6, 2010 8:11 AM   Subscribe

Apple II's/Mac's and unusual accessories. Collectors or those in the know: Recycle or internet gold?

A relative is thinking about simply recycling the items below. Is there anything in here that is either worth ebaying off or otherwise diverting from the recycle heap? Almost everything includes a manual.

Apple II plus, 64k memory
2 disk IIs

Apple color composite monitor IIe
Videx videoterm (w/ manual)
1 installed in computer
2nd one

Apple graphics tablet (w/ manual)
Apple ROM card (2xs) (w/ manual)
Andromeda 16k RAM expansion card (w/ manual)
Microsoft RAM card (w/ manual)
Apple II super serial card (w/ manual)
Replay card for Apple II by TRASH systems (w/ manual)
w/ software
Apple IIe enhancement kit (w/ manual)
Mockingboard soundcard (w/ manual)
Apple language card (w/ manual)
Mountain Computer Music System (complete)
Apple II trackball
RAMworks card (Applied Engineering)
Apple I/O controller card
Apple II mouse card
3rd Millennium Engineering Time II card
Apple green phospher monitor
various controllers

Apple II reference manual
Apple DOS manual
Apple II basic programming book
Applesoft basic tutorial book
Applesoft language system book

Software originals for Apple II (most with manuals)
Music Construction Set
Sherlock Holmes
Cyber Strike
Apple Adventure
Castle Wolfenstein
Kaves of Karkhan
Cut & Paste
Odyssey: Compleat App Adventure
Dungeon Campaign & Wilderness Campaign
Doom Cavern
A2FSI Flight Simulator
Operation Apocalypse
Torpedo Fire
Shattered Alliance
President Elect
Cartels & Cutthroats


Mac Plus
Mac SE (x2)
Mac Classic

new Apple PC 5.25 drive (for mac)
Dayna File 3.5 drive
Dayna File 360k floppy & 1.2 mg floppy (2 drives in one housing)
Bernoulli / Iomega portable drive w/ 2 interface kits (for 44 mb cartridges)
Techmar QT Mac 40 tape backup (no cartridges)
posted by sisquoc15 to Computers & Internet (10 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Sell them?

I bought my Apple Extended Keyboard II to go with my iMac on eBay. There are people out there who want what you have.

Also: I kick myself for getting rid of my old Mac classic with the original Carmen San Diego and Weltris and Hypercard and hours of fun.
posted by whimsicalnymph at 8:22 AM on May 6, 2010

Don't recycle it! There are people who would like a lot of the stuff on that list. Heck, even I'd take certain items off your relative's hands. I'd recommend posting your list to comp.sys.apple2 (link); someone might offer to take the whole lot.
posted by Juffo-Wup at 8:23 AM on May 6, 2010 [1 favorite]

Sell, for sure.

The computers are probably best dealt with locally on Craigslist or Kijiji, but all the accessories and software would do fine on eBay.
posted by Sys Rq at 9:24 AM on May 6, 2010

The list you're giving looks like a hoard of twentieth century electronica. It sure is internet gold. If your friend puts that package on ebay, he's going to make some money out of it in no time. There are many nostalgic persons who buy these things only to grab a part of their own past. I've been there, and have even bought computers that my high school friends possessed (Atari 800 XL, Commodore 64, etc...). They are somewhere in my parents' house, and it feels as good as having some good snapshots of bright moments stored somewhere. So many memories are attached to these things. Once in a while, I buy a cartridge or a program disk. I wouldn't sell any of these things...isn't your friend interested in beginning some sort of collection ?
posted by nicolin at 10:17 AM on May 6, 2010

I asked a similar question last year.

No, I still haven't gotten around to selling them.
posted by niles at 10:53 AM on May 6, 2010

a Mockingboard?! - ahhh, memories.
posted by bashos_frog at 1:30 PM on May 6, 2010

Internet gold? Well, more like Internet silver. I'd sell them if I were you. Hit up eBay and look at what similar items go for. You may need to break it up into separate lots.
posted by chairface at 3:06 PM on May 6, 2010

Wait, didn't I play Odyssey the Compleat Apventure at your house? Encase that disc in carbonite!
posted by ikahime at 10:35 PM on May 6, 2010

Even if you decide they're not quite the gold you're hoping for, I'm sure some of the very lovely people from the 68K Mac Liberation Army would be able to help your relative out.

I've had some quite good success re-homing mac-ish items in the very distant past by posting on the relevant forum there.
posted by the.carol.baxter.experience at 4:35 AM on May 7, 2010

If there's stuff you can't sell and don't want to keep, you might see whether the Internet Archive's Classic Software Preservation Project (CLASP) could use it.
posted by kristi at 2:18 PM on May 7, 2010

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