Confessions of a Canadian cà phê sữa addict
April 17, 2010 7:00 AM   Subscribe

Where would I get Vietnamese drip coffee filters (cà phê phin) in Toronto?
posted by scruss to Food & Drink (5 answers total)
Check out Asian grocery stores, especially but not limited to those run by Vietnamese.
posted by bettafish at 7:07 AM on April 17, 2010

Best answer: Have you looked at Tap Phong on Spadina north of Dundas?
posted by sevenyearlurk at 7:11 AM on April 17, 2010

There are a number of restaurant/cooking supply stores on Spadina that can help you out; I think the one right across the street from Baldwin has them, but somebody on that stretch does for sure.
posted by mhoye at 7:11 AM on April 17, 2010

">T&T have them, I'm pretty sure.
[In case I suck at links, that one is actually in Mississauga, so maybe not ideal]
posted by Acari at 10:35 AM on April 17, 2010

Response by poster: Yes! Tap Phong ftw - and for general awesomeness
posted by scruss at 11:34 AM on April 17, 2010

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