Help me get it together
April 11, 2010 10:04 PM   Subscribe

I'll be attending Simon Fraser University in the fall. I could really use some advice about arranging financing through student loans. It does get a little complicated, though.

A few years back, I completed a course in software design at a now non-accredited college in BC. I have some outstanding student loan debt from this time, but I am going to need financing while attending university. I owe money to both BC student loans, which I have remained up to date with paying and to Canada student loans, which I have, at times, fallen behind with. I need advice on how to best procure financing, including student loans and bursaries.
A little info about me: I am returning to school as a mature student (I am 45 years old) and I am a single parent of one teenage daughter. My separation from my husband is quite recent and this is all rather daunting for me. I am currently residing in Saskatchewan and will be returning to BC in July. I would really appreciate advice or direction to some type of advocate who could help me arrange my financing. I have already been accepted for the fall session and I would like to have things taken care of as soon as possible. Overall, I'm excited about finally getting to attend university but I am a little freaked out, too. Any direction towards resources that could help me would be great.
posted by alltomorrowsparties to Education (1 answer total)
Get in touch with Simon Fraser's financial aid department (lots of ideas on that page, along with contact info at the bottom) as they're the experts. Book an appointment to see someone/call them and discuss your case.
posted by Hiker at 6:37 AM on April 12, 2010

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