Where to watch World Cup 2010 in Chicago this summer?
March 29, 2010 5:11 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a friendly, preferably cozy, bar (or non-drinking establishment) in Chicago to watch World Cup 2010 games this summer. Suggestions?

I'll be housesitting for friends in Wilmette this summer. There's no television. So I'm looking for a place (or places) to watch the World Cup. Maybe relevant to say that I'm female, 30s, and probably will be by myself when I go wherever it is I'm going to go to watch them. I've done a little googling and come up with The Globe Pub, Ginger's Ale House, and the Fullerton and Division locations of Small Bar, but I thought locals might have additional suggestions, recommendations, or comments about those possibilities.
posted by Wisco72 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Those three bars are the typical suggestions for soccer watching in Chicago. They are all excellent, cozy options in safe neighborhoods. As a female, I wouldn't hesitate to go to any of the three by myself.

Of the three, Small Bar on Division is probably my favorite, but if you're planning on taking public transportation from Wilmette, the Globe and Ginger's are probably the easiest (both accessible by the L brown line). The L ends in Wilmette and you can take the purple line to the red and then to the brown. Of the two, the Globe is probably the closest to the station and easier for someone who isn't familiar with the neighborhood.
posted by awegz at 8:44 PM on March 29, 2010

Nevin's and the Celtic Knot in Evanston (much closer to Wilmette than Chicago) are good places to watch World Cup matches. Most of the Northwestern kids will be gone for the summer, and the crowd will be closer to your age.
posted by AceRock at 7:58 AM on June 4, 2010

Anyone got any tips on where the Brits in Chicago might be gathering on June 12th to watch the England-USA game?

As an expat, I probably have divided loyalties and I'd like to watch it somewhere where I'm not the lone English person. I'll be with my 'merkin' husband.

I like the idea of Small Bar on Division - it's really close to me - but it is quite .. small (!) so I'm worried we won't get in, and - given they have a promotion for wearing a USA team shirt - I suspect I might be the only Brit.
posted by geekgirl397 at 1:44 PM on June 11, 2010

Ginger's is best.
posted by patrad at 11:11 AM on June 24, 2010

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